Source code for STDP

#** This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
#** Messaging Object Oriented Simulation Environment.
#**           Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Upinder S. Bhalla. and NCBS
#** It is made available under the terms of the
#** GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
#** See the file COPYING.LIB for the full notice.

##### Author: Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, October, 2014.  
##### Fixed numpy imports and global variables: Subhasis Ray, Fri Jul 10 19:34:53 IST 2015

import moose
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import arange, array

##### Author: Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, October, 2014.
##### Fixed numpy imports and global variables: Subhasis Ray, Fri Jul 10 19:34:53 IST 2015

# ###########################################
# Neuron models
# ###########################################

## Leaky integrate and fire neuron
Vrest = -65e-3 # V      # resting potential
Vt_base = -45e-3 # V    # threshold
Vreset = -55e-3 # V     # in current steps, Vreset is same as pedestal
R = 1e8 # Ohm
tau = 10e-3 # s
refrT = 2e-3 # s
network = None
syn = None
Vms = None
weight = 0.0
spikes = None
dt = 1e-6

[docs]def setupModel(): """ Set up two LIF neurons and connect them by an STDPSynHandler. Set up some tables, and reinit MOOSE before simulation. """ global network, syn, Vms, weight, spikes, dt # ########################################### # Initialize neuron group # ########################################### ## two neurons: index 0 will be presynaptic, 1 will be postsynaptic network = moose.LIF( 'network', 2 ); moose.le( '/network' ) network.vec.Em = Vrest network.vec.thresh = Vt_base network.vec.refractoryPeriod = refrT network.vec.Rm = R network.vec.vReset = Vreset network.vec.Cm = tau/R network.vec.inject = 0. network.vec.initVm = Vrest # ########################################### # Synaptic model: STDP at each pre and post spike # ########################################### # Values approx from figure in Scholarpedia article (following Bi and Poo 1998): # Jesper Sjoestroem and Wulfram Gerstner (2010) Spike-timing dependent plasticity. # Scholarpedia, 5(2):1362., revision #137369 tauPlus = 10e-3 # s # Apre time constant tauMinus = 10e-3 # s # Apost time constant aPlus0 = 1.0 # at pre, Apre += Apre0 aMinus0 = 0.25 # at post, Apost += Apost0 weight = 5e-3 # V # delta function synapse, adds to Vm syn = moose.STDPSynHandler( '/network/syn' ) syn.numSynapses = 1 # 1 synapse # many pre-synaptic inputs can connect to a synapse # synapse onto postsynaptic neuron moose.connect( syn, 'activationOut', network.vec[1], 'activation' ) # synapse from presynaptic neuron moose.connect( network.vec[0],'spikeOut', syn.synapse[0], 'addSpike') # post-synaptic spikes also needed for STDP moose.connect( network.vec[1], 'spikeOut', syn, 'addPostSpike') syn.synapse[0].delay = 0.0 syn.synapse[0].weight = weight # V syn.aPlus0 = aPlus0*weight # on every pre-spike, aPlus gets this jump # aMinus0 includes learning rate # on every pre-spike, aMinus is added to weight syn.tauPlus = tauPlus syn.aMinus0 = -aMinus0*weight # on every post-spike, aMinus gets this jump # aMinus0 includes learning rate # on every post-spike, aPlus is added to weight syn.tauMinus = tauMinus syn.weightMax = 2*weight # bounds on the weight syn.weightMin = 0. # ########################################### # Setting up tables # ########################################### Vms = moose.Table( '/plotVms', 2 ) moose.connect( network, 'VmOut', Vms, 'input', 'OneToOne') spikes = moose.Table( '/plotSpikes', 2 ) moose.connect( network, 'spikeOut', spikes, 'input', 'OneToOne') # ########################################### # Simulate the STDP curve with spaced pre-post spike pairs # ########################################### dt = 0.5e-5 # s # moose simulation moose.useClock( 0, '/network/syn', 'process' ) moose.useClock( 1, '/network', 'process' ) moose.useClock( 2, '/plotSpikes', 'process' ) moose.useClock( 3, '/plotVms', 'process' ) moose.setClock( 0, dt ) moose.setClock( 1, dt ) moose.setClock( 2, dt ) moose.setClock( 3, dt ) moose.setClock( 9, dt ) moose.reinit()
# function to make the aPlus and aMinus settle to equilibrium values
[docs]def reset_settle(): """ Call this between every pre-post pair to reset the neurons and make them settle to rest. """ settletime = 100e-3 # s syn.synapse[0].weight = weight # V moose.start(settletime)
# function to inject a sharp current pulse to make neuron spike # immediately at a given time step
[docs]def make_neuron_spike(nrnidx,I=1e-7,duration=1e-3): """ Inject a brief current pulse to make a neuron spike """ network.vec[nrnidx].inject = I moose.start(duration) network.vec[nrnidx].inject = 0.
[docs]def main(): """ Connect two cells via a plastic synapse (STDPSynHandler). Induce spikes spearated by varying intervals, in the pre and post synaptic cells. Plot the synaptic weight change for different intervals between the spike-pairs. This ia a pseudo-STDP protocol and we get the STDP rule. On the command-line, in moose-examples/snippets directory, run ``python`` """ setupModel() dwlist_neg = [] ddt = 2e-3 # s t_extent = 20e-3 # s # dt = tpost - tpre # negative dt corresponds to post before pre print('-----------------------------------------------') for deltat in arange(t_extent,0.0,-ddt): reset_settle() # post neuron spike make_neuron_spike(1) moose.start(deltat) # pre neuron spike after deltat make_neuron_spike(0) moose.start(1e-3) dw = ( syn.synapse[0].weight - weight ) / weight print(('post before pre, dt = %1.3f s, dw/w = %1.3f'%(-deltat,dw))) dwlist_neg.append(dw) print('-----------------------------------------------') # positive dt corresponds to pre before post dwlist_pos = [] for deltat in arange(ddt,t_extent+ddt,ddt): reset_settle() # pre neuron spike make_neuron_spike(0) moose.start(deltat) # post neuron spike after deltat make_neuron_spike(1) moose.start(1e-3) dw = ( syn.synapse[0].weight - weight ) / weight print(('pre before post, dt = %1.3f s, dw/w = %1.3f'%(deltat,dw))) dwlist_pos.append(dw) print('-----------------------------------------------') # ########################################### # Plot the simulated Vm-s and STDP curve # ########################################### # insert spikes so that Vm reset doesn't look weird Vmseries0 = list(Vms.vec[0].vector) numsteps = len(Vmseries0) for t in spikes.vec[0].vector: Vmseries0[int(t/dt)-1] = 30e-3 # V Vmseries1 = list(Vms.vec[1].vector) for t in spikes.vec[1].vector: Vmseries1[int(t/dt)-1] = 30e-3 # V # Voltage plots plt.figure(facecolor='w') timeseries = arange(0.,1000*numsteps*dt,dt*1000) plt.plot(timeseries,Vmseries0,color='r') # pre neuron's vm plt.plot(timeseries,Vmseries1,color='b') # post neuron's vm plt.xlabel('time (ms)') plt.ylabel('Vm (V)') plt.title("pre (r) and post (b) neurons' Vm") # STDP curve fig = plt.figure(facecolor='w') ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(arange(-t_extent,0,ddt)*1000,array(dwlist_neg),'.-r') ax.plot(arange(ddt,(t_extent+ddt),ddt)*1000,array(dwlist_pos),'.-b') xmin,xmax = ax.get_xlim() ymin,ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_xticks([xmin,0,xmax]) ax.set_yticks([ymin,0,ymax]) ax.plot((0,0),(ymin,ymax),linestyle='dashed',color='k') ax.plot((xmin,xmax),(0,0),linestyle='dashed',color='k') ax.set_xlabel('$t_{post}-t_{pre}$ (ms)') ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta w / w$') fig.tight_layout() #fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3,wspace=0.5) # has to be after tight_layout()
# Run below if script is executed standalone. if __name__ == '__main__': main()