Source code for nsdf_vec

# ---
# Filename:
# Description:
# Author: subha
# Maintainer:
# Created: Sat Dec 19 22:27:27 2015 (-0500)
# Version:
# Last-Updated: Thu Aug 11 11:09:33 2016 (-0400)
#           By: Subhasis Ray
#     Update #: 135
# URL:
# Keywords:
# Compatibility:

# Commentary:

# Change log:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
# Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

# Code:

import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import getpass
import h5py as h5
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import moose

[docs]def write_nsdf(): """ Setup a dummy model with a PulseGen vec and dump the outputValue in NSDF file """ simtime = 100.0 dt = 1e-3 elements = 5 model = moose.Neutral('/model') pulsegen = moose.PulseGen('/model/pulse', elements) spikegen = moose.SpikeGen('/model/t_lead', elements) nsdf = moose.NSDFWriter('/model/writer') nsdf.filename = 'nsdf_vec_demo.h5' nsdf.mode = 2 #overwrite existing file # nsdf.eventInput.num = elements nsdf.flushLimit = 100 for ii in range(elements): pulse = pulsegen.vec[ii] t_lead = spikegen.vec[ii] # Just to make the values different for different elements in # the vec ... pulse.level[0] = 1.0*(ii+1) pulse.delay[0] = 5 * (ii+1) pulse.width[0] = 20 t_lead.threshold = 0.5 moose.connect(pulse, 'output', t_lead,'Vm') moose.connect(nsdf, 'requestOut', pulse, 'getOutputValue') # ei = nsdf.eventInput[ii] # moose.connect(t_lead, 'spikeOut', ei, 'input') # tab = moose.Table('spiketab_{}'.format(ii)) # tab.threshold = t_lead.threshold # moose.connect(pulse, 'output', tab, 'spike') clock = moose.element('/clock') for ii in range(32): moose.setClock(ii, dt) print(('Starting simulation at:', moose.reinit() moose.start(simtime) print(('Finished simulation at:', ################################### # Set the environment attributes ################################### nsdf.stringAttr['title'] = 'NSDF writing demo for moose' nsdf.stringAttr['description'] = '''An example of writing data to NSDF file from MOOSE simulation. In this simulation we generate square pules from a PulseGen object and use a SpikeGen to detect the threshold crossing events of rising edges. We store the pulsegen output as Uniform data and the threshold crossing times as Event data. ''' nsdf.stringAttr['creator'] = getpass.getuser() nsdf.stringVecAttr['software'] = ['python2.7', 'moose3' ] nsdf.stringVecAttr['method'] = [''] nsdf.stringAttr['rights'] = '' nsdf.stringAttr['license'] = 'CC-BY-NC' #################################################### ## !! Work in progress: concurrent write via h5py does not work !! #################################################### ## Now write some custom stuff via h5py print('Closing nsdf handle') nsdf.close() #explicitly close the file so we do not interfere with h5py print('Closed nsdf handle') with h5.File(nsdf.filename, 'a') as fd: static = fd.create_group('/data/static') static_pg = static.create_group(pulsegen.className) pulse_info = static_pg.create_dataset('pulse_0', (elements,), dtype=np.dtype([('delay', 'float64'), ('level', 'float64'), ('width','float64')])) map_ = fd.create_group('/map/static') map_pg = map_.create_group(pulsegen.className) map_pulse = map_pg.create_dataset('pulse_0', (elements,), dtype=h5.special_dtype(vlen=str)) for ii in range(elements): pulse_info['delay', ii] = pulsegen.vec[ii].delay[0] pulse_info['width', ii] = pulsegen.vec[ii].width[0] pulse_info['level', ii] = pulsegen.vec[ii].level[0] map_pulse[ii] = pulsegen.vec[ii].path #TODO: connect this as a dimension scale on pulse_info return nsdf.filename
[docs]def read_nsdf(fname): """Read the specific file we created in this example. Note that the preferable way of associating source with data is to use the DimensionScale. But since there is one-to-one correspondence between the data rows and the map rows (source path), we are exploiting that here. """ with h5.File(fname, 'r') as fd: pulse_data = fd['/data/uniform/PulseGen/outputValue'] pulse_src = fd['/map/uniform/PulseGen/outputValue'] for ii in range(len(pulse_src)): source = pulse_src[ii] data = pulse_data[ii, :] dt = pulse_data.attrs['dt'] plt.figure(source) ts = np.arange(len(data)) * dt plt.plot(ts, data) plt.suptitle(source)
[docs]def main(): """ Example code to dump data from multiple elements in a vector. In this demo we create a PulseGen vector where each element has a different set of pulse parameters. After saving the output vector directly using MOOSE NSDFWriter we open the NSDF file using h5py and plot the saved data. You need h5py module installed to run this simulation. References: Ray, Chintaluri, Bhalla and Wojcik. NSDF: Neuroscience Simulation Data Format, Neuroinformatics, 2015. """ fname = write_nsdf() read_nsdf(fname)
if __name__ == '__main__': main() # # ends here