# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Subhasis Ray
# Date: Mon Jun 10 16:23:41 IST 2013
import moose
import moose
[docs]def main():
This snippet shows various ways of displaying scheduling
information of moose model components.
The `/clock/tick` ematrix has 10 elements, any of which can be setup
by using the `moose.setClock(tickNo, dt)` function. This sets the
interval between the ticking events for it to `dt` time.
Individual model components can be assigned ticks by
`moose.useClock(tickNo, targetPath, targetFinfo)`. Commonly used
target finfo is `process`, which causes the function of the same name
in the ematrix at target path to be called at each ticking event of
tick `tickNo`. Thus displaying the neighbors of `process` finfo of an
element will show the tick assigned to it.
On the other hand, the tick ematrix has 10 finfos, `proc0` ... `proc9`
which connect to all the targets of the corresponding `tickNo`. You
can display the neighbors of these finfos also to see what is
scheduled on each tick.
comp = moose.Compartment('/comp')
# Setup the ticks
moose.setClock(0, 1e-6)
moose.setClock(1, 1e-6)
# Schedule the element.
moose.useClock(0, '/##[ISA=Compartment]', 'init')
moose.useClock(1, '/##[ISA=Compartment]', 'process')
# List the ticks connected to an element.
print(('Ticks connected to `process` method of', comp.path))
for tick in comp.neighbors['process']:
print((' ->',tick.path))
# Different ticks can be connected to different fields.
print(('Ticks connected to `init` method of', comp.path))
for tick in comp.neighbors['init']:
print((' ->',tick.path))
# View the scheduled elements using the tick nos.
t = moose.element('/clock')
print('Elements on tick 0')
for e in t.neighbors['proc0']:
print((' ->', e.path))
print('Elements on tick 1')
for e in t.neighbors['proc1']:
print((' ->', e.path))
ch = moose.HHChannel('/comp/chan')
moose.useClock(1, ch.path, 'process')
print((ch.path, 'has been scheduled'))
print('Elements on tick 1')
for e in t.neighbors['proc1']:
print((' ->', e.path))
# Go through elements by wildcard search and list the ticks connected.
# This can be slow when the model is too big.
for el in moose.wildcardFind('/##[ISA=Compartment]'):
print(('Ticks connected to `process` method of', el.path))
for t in moose.element(el).neighbors['process']:
print((' ->', t.path))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# <codecell>