Source code for testSigNeur


# ---
# Upi Bhalla, NCBS Bangalore 2013.
# Commentary:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
# Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

# Code:

A toy compartmental neuronal + chemical model. The neuronal model
geometry sets up the chemical volume to match the parent dendrite
and five dendritic spines, each with a shaft and head. This volume
mapping uses the NeuroMesh, SpineMesh and PsdMesh classes from MOOSE.
There is a 3-compartment chemical model to go with this: one for the dendrite,
one for the spine head, and one for the postsynaptic density. Note
that the three mesh classes distribute the chemical model appropriately
to all the respective spines, and set up the diffusion to the dendrite.
The electrical model contributes the incoming calcium flux to the
chemical model. This comes from the synaptic channels.
The signalling here does two things to the electrical model. First, the
amount of receptor in the chemical model controls the amount of glutamate
receptor in the PSD. Second, there is a small kinase reaction that
phosphorylates and inactivates the dendritic potassium channel.

import sys
import os
os.environ['NUMPTHREADS'] = '1'
import math

import moose

EREST_ACT = -70e-3

# Gate equations have the form:
# y(x) = (A + B * x) / (C + exp((x + D) / F))
# where x is membrane voltage and y is the rate constant for gate
# closing or opening

Na_m_params = [1e5 * (25e-3 + EREST_ACT),   # 'A_A':
                -1e5,                       # 'A_B':
                -1.0,                       # 'A_C':
                -25e-3 - EREST_ACT,         # 'A_D':
               -10e-3,                      # 'A_F':
                4e3,                     # 'B_A':
                0.0,                        # 'B_B':
                0.0,                        # 'B_C':
                0.0 - EREST_ACT,            # 'B_D':
                18e-3                       # 'B_F':
Na_h_params = [ 70.0,                        # 'A_A':
                0.0,                       # 'A_B':
                0.0,                       # 'A_C':
                0.0 - EREST_ACT,           # 'A_D':
                0.02,                     # 'A_F':
                1000.0,                       # 'B_A':
                0.0,                       # 'B_B':
                1.0,                       # 'B_C':
                -30e-3 - EREST_ACT,        # 'B_D':
                -0.01                    # 'B_F':
K_n_params = [ 1e4 * (10e-3 + EREST_ACT),   #  'A_A':
               -1e4,                      #  'A_B':
               -1.0,                       #  'A_C':
               -10e-3 - EREST_ACT,         #  'A_D':
               -10e-3,                     #  'A_F':
               0.125e3,                   #  'B_A':
               0.0,                        #  'B_B':
               0.0,                        #  'B_C':
               0.0 - EREST_ACT,            #  'B_D':
               80e-3                       #  'B_F':
VMIN = -30e-3 + EREST_ACT
VMAX = 120e-3 + EREST_ACT
VDIVS = 3000

[docs]def createSquid(): """Create a single compartment squid model.""" parent = moose.Neutral ('/n' ) compt = moose.SymCompartment( '/n/compt' ) Em = EREST_ACT + 10.613e-3 compt.Em = Em compt.initVm = EREST_ACT compt.Cm = 7.85e-9 * 0.5 compt.Rm = 4.2e5 * 5.0 compt.Ra = 7639.44e3 nachan = moose.HHChannel( '/n/compt/Na' ) nachan.Xpower = 3 xGate = moose.HHGate(nachan.path + '/gateX') xGate.setupAlpha(Na_m_params + [VDIVS, VMIN, VMAX]) xGate.useInterpolation = 1 nachan.Ypower = 1 yGate = moose.HHGate(nachan.path + '/gateY') yGate.setupAlpha(Na_h_params + [VDIVS, VMIN, VMAX]) yGate.useInterpolation = 1 nachan.Gbar = 0.942e-3 nachan.Ek = 115e-3+EREST_ACT moose.connect(nachan, 'channel', compt, 'channel', 'OneToOne') kchan = moose.HHChannel( '/n/compt/K' ) kchan.Xpower = 4.0 xGate = moose.HHGate(kchan.path + '/gateX') xGate.setupAlpha(K_n_params + [VDIVS, VMIN, VMAX]) xGate.useInterpolation = 1 kchan.Gbar = 0.2836e-3 kchan.Ek = -12e-3+EREST_ACT moose.connect(kchan, 'channel', compt, 'channel', 'OneToOne') return compt
[docs]def createSpine( parentCompt, parentObj, index, frac, length, dia, theta ): """Create spine of specified dimensions and index""" RA = 1.0 RM = 1.0 CM = 0.01 shaftDia = dia / 5.0 sname = 'shaft' + str(index) hname = 'head' + str(index) shaft = moose.SymCompartment( parentObj.path + '/' + sname ) moose.connect( parentCompt, 'cylinder', shaft, 'proximalOnly','Single' ) x = parentCompt.x0 + frac * ( parentCompt.x - parentCompt.x0 ) y = parentCompt.y0 + frac * ( parentCompt.y - parentCompt.y0 ) z = parentCompt.z0 + frac * ( parentCompt.z - parentCompt.z0 ) shaft.x0 = x shaft.y0 = y shaft.z0 = z sy = y + length * math.cos( theta * math.pi / 180.0 ) sz = z + length * math.sin( theta * math.pi / 180.0 ) shaft.x = x shaft.y = sy shaft.z = sz shaft.diameter = dia / 2.0 shaft.length = length xa = math.pi * shaftDia * shaftDia / 4 circumference = math.pi * shaftDia shaft.Ra = RA * length / xa shaft.Rm = RM / ( length * circumference ) shaft.Cm = CM * length * circumference shaft.Em = EREST_ACT shaft.initVm = EREST_ACT head = moose.SymCompartment( parentObj.path + '/' + hname ) moose.connect( shaft, 'distal', head, 'proximal', 'Single' ) head.x0 = x head.y0 = sy head.z0 = sz hy = sy + length * math.cos ( theta * math.pi / 180.0 ) hz = sz + length * math.sin ( theta * math.pi / 180.0 ) head.x = x head.y = hy head.z = hz head.diameter = dia head.length = length xa = math.pi * dia * dia / 4.0 circumference = math.pi * dia head.Ra = RA * length / xa head.Rm = RM / ( length * circumference ) head.Cm = CM * length * circumference head.Em = EREST_ACT head.initVm = EREST_ACT #print head.Rm, head.Ra, head.Cm, head.diameter, head.length #print shaft.Rm, shaft.Ra, shaft.Cm, shaft.diameter, shaft.length return head
def createSpineWithReceptor( compt, cell, index, frac ): FaradayConst = 96485.3415 # s A / mol spineLength = 5.0e-6 spineDia = 4.0e-6 head = createSpine( compt, cell, index, frac, spineLength, spineDia, 0.0 ) gluR = moose.SynChan( head.path + '/gluR' ) gluR.tau1 = 4e-3 gluR.tau2 = 4e-3 gluR.Gbar = 1e-6 gluR.Ek= 10.0e-3 moose.connect( head, 'channel', gluR, 'channel', 'Single' ) caPool = moose.CaConc( head.path + '/ca' ) caPool.CaBasal = 1e-4 # 0.1 micromolar caPool.tau = 0.01 B = 1.0 / ( FaradayConst * spineLength * spineDia * spineDia *math.pi/4) B = B / 20.0 # scaling factor for Ca buffering caPool.B = B moose.connect( gluR, 'IkOut', caPool, 'current', 'Single' ) return gluR def addPlot( objpath, field, plot ): assert moose.exists( objpath ) tab = moose.Table( '/graphs/' + plot ) obj = moose.element( objpath ) moose.connect( tab, 'requestOut', obj, field ) return tab def makeElecPlots(): graphs = moose.Neutral( '/graphs' ) elec = moose.Neutral( '/graphs/elec' ) addPlot( '/model/elec/compt', 'getVm', 'elec/dendVm' ) addPlot( '/model/elec/head0', 'getVm', 'elec/head0Vm' ) addPlot( '/model/elec/head2', 'getVm', 'elec/head2Vm' ) addPlot( '/model/elec/head0/ca', 'getCa', 'elec/head0Ca' ) addPlot( '/model/elec/head1/ca', 'getCa', 'elec/head1Ca' ) addPlot( '/model/elec/head2/ca', 'getCa', 'elec/head2Ca' ) addPlot( '/model/elec/head0/gluR', 'getIk', 'elec/head0Ik' ) addPlot( '/model/elec/head1/gluR', 'getIk', 'elec/head1Ik' ) addPlot( '/model/elec/head2/gluR', 'getIk', 'elec/head2Ik' ) addPlot( '/model/elec/head1/gluR', 'getGbar', 'elec/head1Gbar' ) addPlot( '/model/elec/head2/gluR', 'getGbar', 'elec/head2Gbar' ) def dumpPlots( fname ): if ( os.path.exists( fname ) ): os.remove( fname ) for x in moose.wildcardFind( '/graphs/##[ISA=Table]' ): moose.element( x[0] ).xplot( fname, x[0].name ) def makeSpinyCompt(): comptLength = 30e-6 comptDia = 6e-6 numSpines = 5 compt = createSquid() compt.inject = 0 compt.x0 = 0 compt.y0 = 0 compt.z0 = 0 compt.x = comptLength compt.y = 0 compt.z = 0 compt.length = comptLength compt.diameter = comptDia synInput = moose.SpikeGen( '/n/compt/synInput' ) synInput.refractT = 47e-3 synInput.threshold = -1.0 synInput.edgeTriggered = 0 synInput.Vm( 0 ) cell = moose.element( '/n' ) for i in range( numSpines ): r = createSpineWithReceptor( compt, cell, i, i/float(numSpines) ) r.synapse.num = 1 syn = moose.element( r.path + '/synapse' ) moose.connect( synInput, 'spikeOut', syn, 'addSpike', 'Single' ) syn.weight = 0.2 * i * ( 4 - i ) syn.delay = i * 1.0e-3 def createPool( compt, name, concInit ): meshEntries = moose.element( compt.path + '/mesh' ) pool = moose.Pool( compt.path + '/' + name ) moose.connect( pool, 'mesh', meshEntries, 'mesh', 'Single' ) pool.concInit = concInit pool.diffConst = 1e-11 return pool def createChemModel( neuroCompt, spineCompt, psdCompt ): # Stuff in spine + psd # The psdCa pool is an unfortunate necessity because of limitations in # the solver setup that require molecules to diffuse through all # compartments, at least as of the July 2013 version. psdCa = createPool( psdCompt, 'Ca', 0.0001 ) psdGluR = createPool( psdCompt, 'psdGluR', 1 ) headCa = createPool( spineCompt, 'Ca', 1e-4 ) headGluR = createPool( spineCompt, 'headGluR', 2 ) toPsd = createPool( spineCompt, 'toPsd', 0 ) toPsdInact = createPool( spineCompt, 'toPsdInact', 1e-3 ) turnOnPsd = moose.Reac( spineCompt.path + '/turnOnPsd' ) moose.connect( turnOnPsd, 'sub', headCa, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) moose.connect( turnOnPsd, 'sub', toPsdInact, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) moose.connect( turnOnPsd, 'prd', toPsd, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) turnOnPsd.Kf = 1e3 turnOnPsd.Kb = 1 toPsdEnz = moose.Enz( toPsd.path + '/enz' ) toPsdEnzCplx = moose.Pool( toPsdEnz.path + '/cplx' ) mesh = moose.element( spineCompt.path + '/mesh' ) moose.connect( toPsdEnzCplx, 'mesh', mesh, 'mesh' ) toPsdEnzCplx.concInit = 0 moose.connect( toPsdEnz, 'enz', toPsd, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) moose.connect( toPsdEnz, 'sub', headGluR, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) moose.connect( toPsdEnz, 'prd', psdGluR, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) moose.connect( toPsdEnz, 'cplx', toPsdEnzCplx, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) toPsdEnz.Km = 1.0e-3 toPsdEnz.kcat = 10.0 fromPsd = moose.Reac( psdCompt.path + '/fromPsd' ) moose.connect( fromPsd, 'sub', psdGluR, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) moose.connect( fromPsd, 'prd', headGluR, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) fromPsd.Kf = 0.5 fromPsd.Kb = 0.0 # Stuff in dendrite dendCa = createPool( neuroCompt, 'Ca', 1e-4 ) bufCa = moose.Pool( neuroCompt.path + '/bufCa' ) mesh = moose.element( neuroCompt.path + '/mesh' ) moose.connect( mesh, 'mesh', bufCa, 'mesh', 'Single' ) bufCa.concInit = 1e-4 pumpCa = moose.Reac( neuroCompt.path + '/pumpCa' ) moose.connect( pumpCa, 'sub', dendCa, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) moose.connect( pumpCa, 'prd', bufCa, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) pumpCa.Kf = 1 pumpCa.Kb = 1 dendKinaseInact = createPool( neuroCompt, 'inact_kinase', 1e-4 ) dendKinase = createPool( neuroCompt, 'Ca.kinase', 0.0 ) dendTurnOnKinase = moose.Reac( neuroCompt.path + '/turnOnKinase' ) moose.connect( dendTurnOnKinase, 'sub', dendCa, 'reac' ) moose.connect( dendTurnOnKinase, 'sub', dendKinaseInact, 'reac' ) moose.connect( dendTurnOnKinase, 'prd', dendKinase, 'reac' ) dendTurnOnKinase.Kf = 50000 dendTurnOnKinase.Kb = 1 dendKinaseEnz = moose.Enz( dendKinase.path + '/enz' ) dendKinaseEnzCplx = moose.Pool( dendKinase.path + '/enz/cplx' ) moose.connect( dendKinaseEnzCplx, 'mesh', mesh, 'mesh' ) kChan = createPool( neuroCompt, 'kChan', 1e-3 ) kChan_p = createPool( neuroCompt, 'kChan_p', 0.0 ) moose.connect( dendKinaseEnz, 'enz', dendKinase, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) moose.connect( dendKinaseEnz, 'sub', kChan, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) moose.connect( dendKinaseEnz, 'prd', kChan_p, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) moose.connect( dendKinaseEnz, 'cplx', dendKinaseEnzCplx, 'reac', 'OneToOne' ) dendKinaseEnz.Km = 1e-4 dendKinaseEnz.kcat = 20 dendPhosphatase = moose.Reac( neuroCompt.path + '/phosphatase' ) moose.connect( dendPhosphatase, 'sub', kChan_p, 'reac' ) moose.connect( dendPhosphatase, 'prd', kChan, 'reac' ) dendPhosphatase.Kf = 1 dendPhosphatase.Kb = 0.0 def makeNeuroMeshModel(): makeSpinyCompt() diffLength = moose.element( '/n/compt' ).length diffLength = diffLength / 10.0 elec = moose.element( '/n' ) = 'elec' model = moose.Neutral( '/model' ) moose.move( elec, model ) synInput = moose.element( '/model/elec/compt/synInput' ) synInput.refractT = 47e-3 chem = moose.Neutral( '/model/chem' ) neuroCompt = moose.NeuroMesh( '/model/chem/neuroMesh' ) neuroCompt.separateSpines = 1 neuroCompt.diffLength = diffLength neuroCompt.geometryPolicy = 'cylinder' spineCompt = moose.SpineMesh( '/model/chem/spineMesh' ) moose.connect( neuroCompt, 'spineListOut', spineCompt, 'spineList', 'OneToOne' ) psdCompt = moose.PsdMesh( '/model/chem/psdMesh' ) moose.connect( neuroCompt, 'psdListOut', psdCompt, 'psdList', 'OneToOne' ) createChemModel( neuroCompt, spineCompt, psdCompt ) # Put in the solvers, see how they fare. nmksolve = moose.GslStoich( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/ksolve' ) nmksolve.path = '/model/chem/neuroMesh/##' nmksolve.compartment = moose.element( '/model/chem/neuroMesh' ) nmksolve.method = 'rk5' nm = moose.element( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/mesh' ) moose.connect( nm, 'remesh', nmksolve, 'remesh' ) #print "neuron: nv=", nmksolve.numLocalVoxels, ", nav=", nmksolve.numAllVoxels, nmksolve.numVarPools, nmksolve.numAllPools #print 'setting up smksolve' smksolve = moose.GslStoich( '/model/chem/spineMesh/ksolve' ) smksolve.path = '/model/chem/spineMesh/##' smksolve.compartment = moose.element( '/model/chem/spineMesh' ) smksolve.method = 'rk5' sm = moose.element( '/model/chem/spineMesh/mesh' ) moose.connect( sm, 'remesh', smksolve, 'remesh' ) #print "spine: nv=", smksolve.numLocalVoxels, ", nav=", smksolve.numAllVoxels, smksolve.numVarPools, smksolve.numAllPools # #print 'setting up pmksolve' pmksolve = moose.GslStoich( '/model/chem/psdMesh/ksolve' ) pmksolve.path = '/model/chem/psdMesh/##' pmksolve.compartment = moose.element( '/model/chem/psdMesh' ) pmksolve.method = 'rk5' pm = moose.element( '/model/chem/psdMesh/mesh' ) moose.connect( pm, 'remesh', pmksolve, 'remesh' ) #print "psd: nv=", pmksolve.numLocalVoxels, ", nav=", pmksolve.numAllVoxels, pmksolve.numVarPools, pmksolve.numAllPools # #print 'Assigning the cell model' # Now to set up the model. neuroCompt.cell = elec ns = neuroCompt.numSegments #assert( ns == 11 ) # dend, 5x (shaft+head) ndc = neuroCompt.numDiffCompts assert( ndc == 10 ) ndc = neuroCompt.mesh.num assert( ndc == 10 ) sdc = spineCompt.mesh.num assert( sdc == 5 ) pdc = psdCompt.mesh.num assert( pdc == 5 ) # # We need to use the spine solver as the master for the purposes of # these calculations. This will handle the diffusion calculations # between head and dendrite, and between head and PSD. smksolve.addJunction( nmksolve ) #print "spine: nv=", smksolve.numLocalVoxels, ", nav=", smksolve.numAllVoxels, smksolve.numVarPools, smksolve.numAllPools smksolve.addJunction( pmksolve ) #print "psd: nv=", pmksolve.numLocalVoxels, ", nav=", pmksolve.numAllVoxels, pmksolve.numVarPools, pmksolve.numAllPools # Have to pass a message between the various solvers. foo = moose.vec( '/model/chem/spineMesh/headGluR' ) # oddly, numLocalFields does not work. ca = moose.element( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/Ca' ) assert( ca.lastDimension == ndc ) moose.vec( '/model/chem/spineMesh/headGluR' ).nInit = 100 moose.vec( '/model/chem/psdMesh/psdGluR' ).nInit = 0 # set up adaptors aCa = moose.Adaptor( '/model/chem/spineMesh/adaptCa', 5 ) adaptCa = moose.vec( '/model/chem/spineMesh/adaptCa' ) chemCa = moose.vec( '/model/chem/spineMesh/Ca' ) assert( len( adaptCa ) == 5 ) for i in range( 5 ): path = '/model/elec/head' + str( i ) + '/ca' elecCa = moose.element( path ) moose.connect( elecCa, 'concOut', adaptCa[i], 'input', 'Single' ) moose.connect( adaptCa, 'outputSrc', chemCa, 'setConc', 'OneToOne' ) adaptCa.outputOffset = 0.0001 # 100 nM offset in chem. adaptCa.scale = 0.05 # 0.06 to 0.003 mM aGluR = moose.Adaptor( '/model/chem/psdMesh/adaptGluR', 5 ) adaptGluR = moose.vec( '/model/chem/psdMesh/adaptGluR' ) chemR = moose.vec( '/model/chem/psdMesh/psdGluR' ) assert( len( adaptGluR ) == 5 ) for i in range( 5 ): path = '/model/elec/head' + str( i ) + '/gluR' elecR = moose.element( path ) moose.connect( adaptGluR[i], 'outputSrc', elecR, 'setGbar', 'Single' ) #moose.connect( chemR, 'nOut', adaptGluR, 'input', 'OneToOne' ) # Ksolve isn't sending nOut. Not good. So have to use requestOut. moose.connect( adaptGluR, 'requestOut', chemR, 'getN', 'OneToOne' ) adaptGluR.outputOffset = 1e-7 # pS adaptGluR.scale = 1e-6 / 100 # from n to pS adaptK = moose.Adaptor( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/adaptK' ) chemK = moose.element( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/kChan' ) elecK = moose.element( '/model/elec/compt/K' ) moose.connect( adaptK, 'requestOut', chemK, 'getConc', 'OneToAll' ) moose.connect( adaptK, 'outputSrc', elecK, 'setGbar', 'Single' ) adaptK.scale = 0.3 # from mM to Siemens """ """ def makeChemPlots(): graphs = moose.Neutral( '/graphs' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/psdMesh/psdGluR[0]', 'getN', 'psd0R' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/psdMesh/psdGluR[1]', 'getN', 'psd1R' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/psdMesh/psdGluR[2]', 'getN', 'psd2R' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/spineMesh/Ca[0]', 'getConc', 'spine0Ca' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/spineMesh/Ca[1]', 'getConc', 'spine1Ca' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/spineMesh/Ca[2]', 'getConc', 'spine2Ca' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/Ca[0]', 'getConc', 'dend0Ca' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/Ca[1]', 'getConc', 'dend1Ca' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/Ca[2]', 'getConc', 'dend2Ca' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/Ca[3]', 'getConc', 'dend3Ca' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/Ca[6]', 'getConc', 'dend6Ca' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/Ca[9]', 'getConc', 'dend9Ca' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/kChan_p[4]', 'getConc', 'kChan_p4' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/kChan[4]', 'getConc', 'kChan4' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/Ca.kinase[4]', 'getConc', 'dendKinase4' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/spineMesh/toPsd[0]', 'getConc', 'toPsd0' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/spineMesh/toPsd[2]', 'getConc', 'toPsd2' ) addPlot( '/model/chem/spineMesh/toPsd[4]', 'getConc', 'toPsd4' ) #addPlot( '/n/neuroMesh/Ca', 'getConc', 'dendCa' ) #addPlot( '/n/neuroMesh/inact_kinase', 'getConc', 'inactDendKinase' ) #addPlot( '/n/psdMesh/psdGluR', 'getN', 'psdGluR' ) def testNeuroMeshMultiscale(): elecDt = 50e-6 chemDt = 2e-3 plotDt = 5e-4 plotName = 'nm.plot' makeNeuroMeshModel() """ moose.le( '/model/chem/spineMesh/ksolve' ) print 'Neighbors:' for t in moose.element( '/model/chem/spineMesh/ksolve/junction' ).neighbors['masterJunction']: print 'masterJunction <-', t.path for t in moose.wildcardFind( '/model/chem/#Mesh/ksolve' ): k = moose.element( t[0] ) print k.path + ' localVoxels=', k.numLocalVoxels, ', allVoxels= ', k.numAllVoxels """ makeChemPlots() makeElecPlots() moose.setClock( 0, elecDt ) moose.setClock( 1, elecDt ) moose.setClock( 2, elecDt ) moose.setClock( 5, chemDt ) moose.setClock( 6, chemDt ) moose.setClock( 7, plotDt ) moose.setClock( 8, plotDt ) moose.useClock( 0, '/model/elec/##[ISA=Compartment]', 'init' ) moose.useClock( 1, '/model/elec/##[ISA=SpikeGen]', 'process' ) moose.useClock( 2, '/model/elec/##[ISA=ChanBase],/model/##[ISA=SynBase],/model/##[ISA=CaConc]','process') moose.useClock( 5, '/model/chem/##[ISA=PoolBase],/model/##[ISA=ReacBase],/model/##[ISA=EnzBase]', 'process' ) moose.useClock( 6, '/model/chem/##[ISA=Adaptor]', 'process' ) moose.useClock( 7, '/graphs/#', 'process' ) moose.useClock( 8, '/graphs/elec/#', 'process' ) moose.useClock( 5, '/model/chem/#Mesh/ksolve', 'init' ) moose.useClock( 6, '/model/chem/#Mesh/ksolve', 'process' ) hsolve = moose.HSolve( '/model/elec/hsolve' ) moose.useClock( 1, '/model/elec/hsolve', 'process' ) hsolve.dt = elecDt = '/model/elec/compt' moose.reinit() moose.reinit() moose.start( 1.0 ) dumpPlots( plotName )
[docs]def main(): """ A toy compartmental neuronal + chemical model. The neuronal model geometry sets up the chemical volume to match the parent dendrite and five dendritic spines, each with a shaft and head. This volume mapping uses the NeuroMesh, SpineMesh and PsdMesh classes from MOOSE. There is a 3-compartment chemical model to go with this: one for the dendrite, one for the spine head, and one for the postsynaptic density. Note that the three mesh classes distribute the chemical model appropriately to all the respective spines, and set up the diffusion to the dendrite. The electrical model contributes the incoming calcium flux to the chemical model. This comes from the synaptic channels. The signalling here does two things to the electrical model. First, the amount of receptor in the chemical model controls the amount of glutamate receptor in the PSD. Second, there is a small kinase reaction that phosphorylates and inactivates the dendritic potassium channel. """ testNeuroMeshMultiscale()
if __name__ == '__main__': main() # # ends here.