# traub_naf.py ---
# Filename: traub_naf.py
# Description:
# Author: Subhasis Ray
# Maintainer:
# Created: Mon Apr 29 21:07:30 2013 (+0530)
# Version:
# Last-Updated: Mon May 6 18:50:14 2013 (+0530)
# By: subha
# Update #: 436
# URL:
# Keywords:
# Compatibility:
# Commentary:
# Change log:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
# Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Code:
This is an example showing pymoose implementation of the NaF
channel in Traub et al 2005
Author: Subhasis Ray
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import os
os.environ['NUMPTHREADS'] = '1'
import moose
from moose import utils
vmin = -120e-3
vmax = 40e-3
vdivs = 640
v_array = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, vdivs+1)
[docs]def create_naf_proto():
Create an NaF channel prototype in /library. You can copy it later
into any compartment or load a .p file with this channel using
This channel has the conductance form::
Gk(v) = Gbar * m^3 * h (V - Ek)
We are using all SI units
if moose.exists('/library/NaF'):
return moose.element('/library/NaF')
if not moose.exists('/library'):
lib = moose.Neutral('/library')
channel = moose.HHChannel('/library/NaF')
shift = -3.5e-3
# tau_m is defined piecewise:
# tau_m = 1.0e-3 * (0.025 + 0.14 * exp(( v + shift + 30e-3) / 10)) if v + shift < -30e-3
# = 1.0e-3 * (0.02 + 0.145 * np.exp(( - v_array - shift - 30.0e-3) / 10.0e-3)) otherwise
tau_m = np.where((v_array + shift) < -30e-3,
1.0e-3 * (0.025 + 0.14 * np.exp((v_array + shift + 30.0e-3) / 10.0e-3)), \
1.0e-3 * (0.02 + 0.145 * np.exp(( - v_array - shift - 30.0e-3) / 10.0e-3)))
inf_m = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(( - v_array - shift - 38e-3) / 10e-3))
tau_h = 1.0e-3 * (0.15 + 1.15 / ( 1.0 + np.exp(( v_array + 37.0e-3) / 15.0e-3)))
inf_h = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp((v_array + 62.9e-3) / 10.7e-3))
channel.Xpower = 3 # Creates m-gate
# In svn version of moose you can even do:
# mgate = channel.gateX[0]
mgate = moose.element('%s/gateX' % (channel.path))
mgate.tableA = inf_m / tau_m
mgate.tableB = 1 / tau_m
channel.Ypower = 1 # Creates h-gate
hgate = moose.element('%s/gateY' % (channel.path))
hgate.tableA = inf_h / tau_h
hgate.tableB = 1 / tau_h
return channel
[docs]def create_compartment(parent_path, name):
"""This shows how to use the prototype channel on a compartment."""
comp = moose.Compartment('%s/%s' % (parent_path, name))
comp.Rm = 5e6
comp.Ra = 1e9
comp.Cm = 5e-9
comp.initVm = -0.06
comp.Em = -0.06
protochan = create_naf_proto()
chan = moose.copy(protochan, comp, 'NaF')
chan.Gbar = 1e-6
moose.connect(comp, 'channel', chan, 'channel')
return comp
[docs]def setup_electronics(model_container, data_container, compartment):
"""Setup voltage and current clamp circuit using DiffAmp and PID and
RC filter"""
command = moose.PulseGen('%s/command' % (model_container.path))
command.delay[0] = 20e-3
command.width[0] = 50e-3
command.level[0] = 100e-9
command.delay[1] = 1e9
lowpass = moose.RC('%s/lowpass' % (model_container.path))
lowpass.R = 1.0
lowpass.C = 5e-4
vclamp = moose.DiffAmp('%s/vclamp' % (model_container.path))
vclamp.saturation = 1e10
iclamp = moose.DiffAmp('%s/iclamp' % (model_container.path))
iclamp.gain = 0.0
iclamp.saturation = 1e10
pid = moose.PIDController('%s/pid' % (model_container.path))
pid.gain = compartment.Cm / 100e-6 # Cm/dt is a good number for gain
pid.tauI = 100e-6 # same as dt
pid.tauD = 0.0
pid.saturation = 1e10
# Current clamp circuit: connect command output to iclamp amplifier
# and the output of the amplifier to compartment.
moose.connect(command, 'output', iclamp, 'plusIn')
moose.connect(iclamp, 'output', compartment, 'injectMsg')
# Setup voltage clamp circuit:
# 1. Connect command output (which is now command) to lowpass
# filter.
# 2. Connect lowpass output to vclamp amplifier.
# 3. Connect amplifier output to PID's command input.
# 4. Connect Vm of compartment to PID's sensed input.
# 5. Connect PID output to compartment's injectMsg.
moose.connect(command, 'output', lowpass, 'injectIn')
moose.connect(lowpass, 'output', vclamp, 'plusIn')
moose.connect(vclamp, 'output', pid, 'commandIn')
moose.connect(compartment, 'VmOut', pid, 'sensedIn')
moose.connect(pid, 'output', compartment, 'injectMsg')
command_table = moose.Table('%s/command' % (data_container.path))
moose.connect(command_table, 'requestOut', command, 'getOutputValue')
inject_table = moose.Table('%s/inject' % (data_container.path))
moose.connect(inject_table, 'requestOut', compartment, 'getIm')
return {'command_tab': command_table,
'inject_tab': inject_table,
'iclamp': iclamp,
'vclamp': vclamp,
'pid': pid,
'command': command}
[docs]def do_vclamp(vclamp, iclamp, pid):
"""Turn on voltage clamp and turn off current clamp"""
vclamp.gain = 1.0
iclamp.gain = 0.0
pid.gain = 5e-9/100e-6 # compartment.Cm / simulation.dt
[docs]def do_iclamp(vclamp, iclamp, pid):
"""Turn on current clamp and turn off voltage clamp"""
vclamp.gain = 0.0
pid.gain = 0.0
iclamp.gain = 1.0
[docs]def setup_model():
"""Setup the model and the electronic circuit. Also creates the data container."""
model = moose.Neutral('model')
data =moose.Neutral('/data')
comp = create_compartment(model.path, 'soma')
ret = setup_electronics(model, data, comp)
vmtab = moose.Table('%s/Vm' % (data.path))
moose.connect(vmtab, 'requestOut', comp, 'getVm')
gktab = moose.Table('%s/Gk' % (data.path))
moose.connect(gktab, 'requestOut', moose.element(comp.path + '/NaF'), 'getGk')
ret.update({'model': model, 'data': data, 'vm_tab': vmtab, 'gk_tab': gktab})
return ret
inited = False
[docs]def run_sim(model, data, simtime=100e-3, simdt=1e-6, plotdt=1e-4, solver='ee'):
"""Reset and run the simulation.
model: model container element \n
data: data container element \n
simtime: simulation run time \n
simdt: simulation timestep \n
plotdt: plotting time step \n
solver: neuronal solver to use \n
global inited
if not inited:
utils.resetSim([model.path, data.path], simdt, plotdt, simmethod=solver)
inited = True
[docs]def run_clamp(model_dict, clamp, levels, holding=0.0, simtime=100e-3):
"""Run either voltage or current clamp for default timing settings
with multiple levels of command input.
model_dict: dictionary containing the model components - \n
`vlcamp` - the voltage clamp amplifier \n
`iclamp` - the current clamp amplifier \n
`model` - the model container \n
`data` - the data container \n
`inject_tab` - table recording membrane \n
`command_tab` - table recording command input for voltage or current clamp \n
`vm_tab` - table recording membrane potential \n
clamp: string specifying clamp mode, either `voltage` or `current` \n
levels: sequence of values for command input levels to be simulated \n
holding: holding current or voltage \n
a dict containing the following lists of time series:
`command` - list of command input time series \n
`inject` - list of of membrane current (includes injected current) time series \n
`vm` - list of membrane voltage time series \n
`t` - list of time points for all of the above
if clamp == 'voltage':
do_vclamp(model_dict['vclamp'], model_dict['iclamp'], model_dict['pid'])
elif clamp == 'current':
do_iclamp(model_dict['vclamp'], model_dict['iclamp'], model_dict['pid'])
raise Exception('Only allowed clamp options are `voltage` and `current`')
cvec = []
ivec = []
vvec = []
gvec = []
tvec = []
for level in levels:
model_dict['command'].level[0] = level
model_dict['command'].baseLevel = holding
print(('Running %s with holding=%g, level=%g' % (clamp, holding, model_dict['command'].level[0])))
run_sim(model_dict['model'], model_dict['data'], simtime)
tvec.append(np.linspace(0, simtime, len(vvec[-1])))
return {'command': cvec,
'inject': ivec,
'vm': vvec,
'gk': gvec,
't': tvec}
if __name__ == '__main__':
mdict = setup_model()
current_levels = (-0.3e-8, 0.1e-8, 0.3e-8, 0.5e-8)
iclamp_data = run_clamp(mdict, 'current', current_levels)
voltage_levels = (-30e-3, -10e-3, 10e-3, 30e-3)
vclamp_data = run_clamp(mdict, 'voltage', voltage_levels, holding=-60e-3)
colors = ('r', 'g', 'b', 'k')
# Plot current clamp data
ifigure = plt.figure(1)
ifigure.suptitle('Current clamp')
vax = ifigure.add_subplot(2,2,1)
iax = ifigure.add_subplot(2,2,2)
iax.set_title('Injected current')
cax = ifigure.add_subplot(2,2,3)
ivax = ifigure.add_subplot(2,2,4)
for ii in range(len(current_levels)):
t = iclamp_data['t'][ii]
vax.plot(t, iclamp_data['vm'][ii], color=colors[ii % len(colors)])
iax.plot(t, iclamp_data['inject'][ii], color=colors[ii % len(colors)])
cax.plot(t, iclamp_data['command'][ii], color=colors[ii % len(colors)])
ivax.plot(t, iclamp_data['gk'][ii], color=colors[ii% len(colors)])
# Plot voltage clamp data
vfigure = plt.figure(2)
vfigure.suptitle('Voltage clamp')
vax = vfigure.add_subplot(2,2,1)
iax = vfigure.add_subplot(2,2,2)
iax.set_title('Injected current')
cax = vfigure.add_subplot(2,2,3)
ivax = vfigure.add_subplot(2,2,4)
# iv = []
for ii in range(len(voltage_levels)):
t = vclamp_data['t'][ii]
vax.plot(t, vclamp_data['vm'][ii], color=colors[ii % len(colors)])
iax.plot(t, vclamp_data['inject'][ii], color=colors[ii % len(colors)])
cax.plot(t, vclamp_data['command'][ii], color=colors[ii% len(colors)])
ivax.plot(t, vclamp_data['gk'][ii], color=colors[ii% len(colors)])
# Select the i and v at midpoint
# mid = max(vclamp_data['vm'][ii]) + 0.5 * min(vclamp_data['vm'][ii])
# sindices = np.argsort(vclamp_data['vm'][ii])
# sorted_vm = np.sort(vclamp_data['vm'][ii])
# mididx = np.searchsorted(sorted_vm, mid)
# mididx = sindices[mididx]
# iv.append((vclamp_data['inject'][ii][mididx], vclamp_data['vm'][ii][mididx]))
# iv = np.array(iv)
# ivax.plot(iv[:,0], iv[:,1], 'ko-')
# traub_naf.py ends here