*************** Simple Examples *************** .. hidden-code-block:: reStructuredText :label: How to run these examples Each of the following examples can be run by clicking on the green source button on the right side of each example, and running from within a ``.py`` python file on a computer where moose is installed. Alternatively, all the files mentioned on this page can be found in the main moose directory. They can be found under (...)/moose/moose-examples/snippets They can be run by typing $ python filename.py in your command line, where filename.py is the python file you want to run. All of the following examples show one or more methods within each python file. For example, in the ``cubeMeshSigNeur`` section, there are two blue tabs describing the ``cubeMeshSigNeur.createSquid()`` and ``cubeMeshSigNeur.main()`` methods. The filename is the bit that comes before the ``.`` in the blue boxes, with ``.py`` added at the end of it. In this case, the file name would be ``cubeMeshSigNeur.py``. | Create a Leaky Neuron --------------------- .. automodule:: lif :members: Create a Leaky Compartment -------------------------- .. automodule:: lifcomp :members: Voltage Clamping ---------------- .. automodule:: vclamp :members: Generate Pulse ---------------- .. automodule:: pulsegen :members: .. automodule:: pulsegen2 :members: Synapse ------- .. automodule:: synapse :members: Message transmission via synapse -------------------------------- .. automodule:: intfire :members: Gap Junction ------------ .. automodule:: gapjunction :members: Insert Spine heads ------------------ .. automodule:: insertSpinesWithoutRdesigneur :members: .. Multi compartmental Neuron model .. -------------------------------- .. automodule: testHsolve :members: (testHsolve no longer exists in any of the appended paths)