ExponentialRng -------------- .. py:class:: ExponentialRng Exponentially distributed random number generator. Exponential distribution with mean k is defined by the probability density function p(x; k) = k * exp(-k * x) if x >= 0, else 0. By default this class uses the random minimization method described in Knuth's TAOCP Vol II Sec 3.4.1 (Algorithm S). .. py:method:: setMean (*destination message field*) Assigns field value. .. py:method:: getMean (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:method:: setMethod (*destination message field*) Assigns field value. .. py:method:: getMethod (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:attribute:: mean double (*value field*) Mean of the exponential distribution. .. py:attribute:: method int (*value field*) The algorithm to use for computing the sample. Two methods are supported: 0 - logarithmic and 1 - random minimization. The logarithmic method is slower (it computes a logarithm). Default is random minimization. See Knuth, Vol II Sec 3.4.1 : Algorithm S.