PoolBase -------- .. py:class:: PoolBase Abstract base class for pools. .. py:attribute:: reac void (*shared message field*) Connects to reaction .. py:attribute:: proc void (*shared message field*) Shared message for process and reinit .. py:attribute:: species void (*shared message field*) Shared message for connecting to species objects .. py:method:: setN (*destination message field*) Assigns field value. .. py:method:: getN (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:method:: setNInit (*destination message field*) Assigns field value. .. py:method:: getNInit (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:method:: setDiffConst (*destination message field*) Assigns field value. .. py:method:: getDiffConst (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:method:: setMotorConst (*destination message field*) Assigns field value. .. py:method:: getMotorConst (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:method:: setConc (*destination message field*) Assigns field value. .. py:method:: getConc (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:method:: setConcInit (*destination message field*) Assigns field value. .. py:method:: getConcInit (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:method:: setVolume (*destination message field*) Assigns field value. .. py:method:: getVolume (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:method:: setSpeciesId (*destination message field*) Assigns field value. .. py:method:: getSpeciesId (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:method:: reacDest (*destination message field*) Handles reaction input .. py:method:: process (*destination message field*) Handles process call .. py:method:: reinit (*destination message field*) Handles reinit call .. py:method:: handleMolWt (*destination message field*) Separate finfo to assign molWt, and consequently diffusion const.Should only be used in SharedMsg with species. .. py:attribute:: nOut double (*source message field*) Sends out # of molecules in pool on each timestep .. py:attribute:: requestMolWt void (*source message field*) Requests Species object for mol wt .. py:attribute:: n double (*value field*) Number of molecules in pool .. py:attribute:: nInit double (*value field*) Initial value of number of molecules in pool .. py:attribute:: diffConst double (*value field*) Diffusion constant of molecule .. py:attribute:: motorConst double (*value field*) Motor transport rate molecule. + is away from soma, - is towards soma. Only relevant for ZombiePool subclasses. .. py:attribute:: conc double (*value field*) Concentration of molecules in this pool .. py:attribute:: concInit double (*value field*) Initial value of molecular concentration in pool .. py:attribute:: volume double (*value field*) Volume of compartment. Units are SI. Utility field, the actual volume info is stored on a volume mesh entry in the parent compartment.This mapping is implicit: the parent compartment must be somewhere up the element tree, and must have matching mesh entries. If the compartment isn'tavailable the volume is just taken as 1 .. py:attribute:: speciesId unsigned int (*value field*) Species identifier for this mol pool. Eventually link to ontology.