Streamer -------- .. py:class:: Streamer Streamer: Stream moose.Table data to out-streams .. py:attribute:: proc void (*shared message field*) Shared message for process and reinit .. py:method:: setOutfile (*destination message field*) Assigns field value. .. py:method:: getOutfile (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:method:: setFormat (*destination message field*) Assigns field value. .. py:method:: getFormat (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:method:: process (*destination message field*) Handle process call .. py:method:: reinit (*destination message field*) Handles reinit call .. py:method:: addTable (*destination message field*) Add a table to Streamer .. py:method:: addTables (*destination message field*) Add many tables to Streamer .. py:method:: removeTable (*destination message field*) Remove a table from Streamer .. py:method:: removeTables (*destination message field*) Remove tables -- if found -- from Streamer .. py:method:: getNumTables (*destination message field*) Requests field value. The requesting Element must provide a handler for the returned value. .. py:attribute:: outfile string (*value field*) File/stream to write table data to. Default is is \_\_moose\_tables\_\_.dat.n By default, this object writes data every second .. py:attribute:: format string (*value field*) Format of output file, default is csv .. py:attribute:: numTables unsigned long (*value field*) Number of Tables handled by Streamer