Getting started with python scripting for MOOSE¶
To see an interactive version of this page, click the following link
This document describes how to use the moose
module in Python
scripts or in an interactive Python shell. It aims to give you enough
overview to help you start scripting using MOOSE and extract farther
information that may be required for advanced work. Knowledge of
Python or programming in general will be helpful. If you just want to
simulate existing models in one of the supported formats, you can fire
the MOOSE GUI and locate the model file using the File
menu and
load it. The GUI is described in separate document. If you
are looking for recipes for specific tasks, take a look at
cookbook. The example code in the boxes can be entered in
a Python shell.
MOOSE is object-oriented. Biological concepts are mapped into classes, and a model is built by creating instances of these classes and connecting them by messages. MOOSE also has numerical classes whose job is to take over difficult computations in a certain domain, and do them fast. There are such solver classes for stochastic and deterministic chemistry, for diffusion, and for multicompartment neuronal models.
MOOSE is a simulation environment, not just a numerical engine: It provides data representations and solvers (of course!), but also a scripting interface with Python, graphical displays with Matplotlib, PyQt, and OpenGL, and support for many model formats. These include SBML, NeuroML, GENESIS kkit and cell.p formats, HDF5 and NSDF for data writing.
Coding basics and how to use this document¶
This page acts as the first stepping stone for learning how moose works. The tutorials here are intended to be interactive, and are presented as python commands. Python commands are identifiable by the >>>
before the command as opposed to $
which identifies a command-line command.
>>> this_is_a_python_command
You are encouraged to run a python shell while reading through this documentation and trying out each command for yourself. Python shells are environments within your terminal wherein everything you type is interpreted as a python command. They can be accessed by typing
$ python
in your command-line terminal.
While individually typing lines of code in a python terminal is useful for practicing using moose and coding in general, note that once you close the python environment all the code you typed is gone and the moose models created are also lost. In order to 'save' models that you create, you would have to type your code in a text file with a .py
extension. The easiest way to do this is to create a text file in command line, open it with a text editor (for example, gedit), and simply type your code in (make sure you indent correctly).
$ touch
$ gedit
Once you have written your code in the file, you can run it through your python environment.
$ python
Note that apart from this section of the quickstart, most of the moose documentation is in the form of snippets
. These are basically .py
files with code that demonstrates a certain functionality in moose. If you see a dialogue box like this one:
You can view the code by clicking the green source button on the left side of the box. Alternatively, the source code for all of the examples in the documentation can be found in moose/moose-examples/snippets
. Once you run each file in python, it is encouraged that you look through the code to understand how it works.
In the quickstart, most of the snippets demonstrate the functionality of specific classes. However, snippets in later sections such as the cookbook show how to do specific things in moose such as creating networks, chemical models, and synaptic channels.
Importing moose and accessing documentation¶
In a python script you import modules to access the functionalities they provide. In order to use moose, you need to import it within a python environment or at the beginning of your python script.
>>> import moose
This make the moose
module available for use in Python. You can use Python's built-in help
function to read the top-level documentation for the moose module.
>>> help(moose)
This will give you an overview of the module. Press q
to exit the pager and get back to the interpreter. You can also access the documentation for individual classes and functions this way.
>>> help(moose.connect)
To list the available functions and classes you can use dir
function [1].
>>> dir(moose)
MOOSE has built-in documentation in the C++-source-code independent of
Python. The moose
module has a separate doc
function to extract
this documentation.
>>> moose.doc('moose.Compartment')
The class level documentation will show whatever the author/maintainer of the class wrote for documentation followed by a list of various kinds of fields and their data types. This can be very useful in an interactive session.
Each field can have its own detailed documentation, too.
>>> moose.doc('Compartment.Rm')
Note that you need to put the class-name followed by dot followed by
field-name within quotes. Otherwise, moose.doc
will receive the
field value as parameter and get confused.
Alternatively, if you want to see a full list of classes, functions and their fields, you can browse through the following pages. This is especially helpful when going through snippets.
Creating objects and traversing the object hierarchy¶
Different types of biological entities like neurons, enzymes, etc are
represented by classes and individual instances of those types are
objects of those classes. Objects are the building-blocks of models in
MOOSE. We call MOOSE objects element
and use object and element
interchangeably in the context of MOOSE. Elements are conceptually laid
out in a tree-like hierarchical structure. If you are familiar with file
system hierarchies in common operating systems, this should be simple.
At the top of the object hierarchy sits the Shell
, equivalent to the
root directory in UNIX-based systems and represented by the path /
You can list the existing objects under /
using the le
>>> moose.le()
Elements under /
, clock
and classes
are predefined objects in MOOSE. And
each object can contain other objects inside them. You can see them by
passing the path of the parent object to le
>>> moose.le('/Msgs')
Elements under /Msgs[0]
Now let us create some objects of our own. This can be done by invoking MOOSE class constructors (just like regular Python classes).
>>> model = moose.Neutral('/model')
The above creates a Neutral
object named model
. Neutral
the most basic class in MOOSE. A Neutral
element can act as a
container for other elements. We can create something under model
>>> soma = moose.Compartment('/model/soma')
Every element has a unique path. This is a concatenation of the names of all the objects one has to traverse starting with the root to reach that element.
>>> print soma.path
The name of the element can be printed, too.
>>> print
The Compartment
elements model small sections of a neuron. Some
basic experiments can be carried out using a single compartment. Let us
create another object to act on the soma
. This will be a step
current generator to inject a current pulse into the soma.
>>> pulse = moose.PulseGen('/model/pulse')
You can use le
at any point to see what is there
>>> moose.le('/model')
Elements under /model
And finally, we can create a Table
to record the time series of the
soma's membrane potential. It is good practice to organize the data
separately from the model. So we do it as below
>>> data = moose.Neutral('/data')
>>> vmtab = moose.Table('/data/soma_Vm')
Now that we have the essential elements for a small model, we can go on to set the properties of this model and the experimental protocol.
Setting the properties of elements: accessing fields¶
Elements have several kinds of fields. The simplest ones are the
value fields
. These can be accessed like ordinary Python members.
You can list the available value fields using getFieldNames
>>> soma.getFieldNames('valueFinfo')
Here valueFinfo
is the type name for value fields. Finfo
short form of field information. For each type of field there is a
name ending with -Finfo
. The above will display the following
Some of these fields are for internal or advanced use, some give access
to the physical properties of the biological entity we are trying to
model. Now we are interested in Cm
, Rm
, Em
and initVm
In the most basic form, a neuronal compartment acts like a parallel
circuit with a battery attached. Here R
and C
resistor and capacitor connected in parallel, and the battery with
voltage Em
is in series with the resistor, as shown below:

Passive neuronal compartment
The fields are populated with some defaults.
>>> print soma.Cm, soma.Rm, soma.Vm, soma.Em, soma.initVm
1.0 1.0 -0.06 -0.06 -0.06
You can set the Cm
and Rm
fields to something realistic using
simple assignment (we follow SI unit) [2].
>>> soma.Cm = 1e-9
>>> soma.Rm = 1e7
>>> soma.initVm = -0.07
Instead of writing print statements for each field, you could use the utility function showfield to see that the changes took effect
>>> moose.showfield(soma)
[ /soma[0] ]
diameter = 0.0
Ra = 1.0
y0 = 0.0
Rm = 10000000.0
numData = 1
inject = 0.0
initVm = -0.07
Em = -0.06
y = 0.0
numField = 1
path = /soma[0]
dt = 5e-05
tick = 4
z0 = 0.0
name = soma
Cm = 1e-09
x0 = 0.0
Vm = -0.06
className = Compartment
length = 0.0
Im = 0.0
x = 0.0
z = 0.0
Now we can setup the current pulse to be delivered to the soma
>>> pulse.delay[0] = 50e-3
>>> pulse.width[0] = 100e-3
>>> pulse.level[0] = 1e-9
>>> pulse.delay[1] = 1e9
This tells the pulse generator to create a 100 ms long pulse 50 ms after
the start of the simulation. The amplitude of the pulse is set to 1 nA.
We set the delay for the next pulse to a very large value (larger than
the total simulation time) so that the stimulation stops after the first
pulse. Had we set pulse.delay = 0
, it would have generated a pulse
train at 50 ms intervals.
Putting them together: setting up connections¶
In order for the elements to interact during simulation, we need to
connect them via messages. Elements are connected to each other using
special source and destination fields. These types are named
and destFinfo
. You can query the available source and
destination fields on an element using getFieldNames
as before. This
time, let us do it another way: by the class name
>>> moose.getFieldNames('PulseGen', 'srcFinfo')
('childMsg', 'output')
This form has the advantage that you can get information about a class without creating elements of that class.
Here childMsg
is a source field that is used by the MOOSE internals
to connect child elements to parent elements. The second one is of our
interest. Check out the built-in documentation here
>>> moose.doc('PulseGen.output')
PulseGen.output: double - source field
Current output level.
so this is the output of the pulse generator and this must be injected
into the soma
to stimulate it. But where in the soma
can we send
it? Again, MOOSE has some introspection built in.
>>> soma.getFieldNames('destFinfo')
Now that is a long list. But much of it are fields for internal or
special use. Anything that starts with get
or set
are internal
used for accessing value fields (we shall use one of those
when setting up data recording). Among the rest injectMsg
seems to
be the most likely candidate. Use the connect
function to connect
the pulse generator output to the soma input
>>> m = moose.connect(pulse, 'output', soma, 'injectMsg')
connect(source, source_field, dest, dest_field)
creates a
from source
element's source_field
field to dest
element's dest_field
field and returns that message. Messages are
also elements. You can print them to see their identity
>>> print m
<moose.SingleMsg: id=5, dataId=733, path=/Msgs/singleMsg[733]>
You can print any element as above and the string representation will
show you the class, two numbers(id
and dataId
) uniquely
identifying it among all elements, and its path. You can get some more
information about a message
>>> print m.e1.path, m.e2.path, m.srcFieldsOnE1, m.destFieldsOnE2
/model/pulse /model/soma ('output',) ('injectMsg',)
will confirm what you already know.
A message element has fields e1
and e2
referring to the elements
it connects. For single one-directional messages these are source and
destination elements, which are pulse
and soma
respectively. The
next two items are lists of the field names which are connected by this
You could also check which elements are connected to a particular field
>>> print soma.neighbors['injectMsg']
[<moose.vec: class=PulseGen, id=729,path=/model/pulse>]
Notice that the list contains something called vec. We discuss this
later. Also neighbors
is a new kind of
field: lookupFinfo
which behaves like a dictionary. Next we connect
the table to the soma to retrieve its membrane potential Vm
. This is
where all those destFinfo
starting with get
or set
come in
use. For each value field X
, there is a destFinfo
retrieve the value at simulation time. This is used by the table to
record the values Vm
>>> moose.connect(vmtab, 'requestOut', soma, 'getVm')
<moose.SingleMsg: id=5, dataIndex=0, path=/Msgs[0]/singleMsg[0]>
This finishes our model and recording setup. You might be wondering
about the source-destination relationship above. It is natural to think
that soma
is the source of Vm
values which should be sent to
. But here requestOut
is a srcFinfo
acting like a
reply card. This mode of obtaining data is called pull mode. [3]
You can skip the next section on fine control of the timing of updates and read Running the simulation.
With the model all set up, we have to schedule the simulation. Different components in a model may have different rates of update. For example, the dynamics of electrical components require the update intervals to be of the order 0.01 ms whereas chemical components can be as slow as 1 s. Also, the results may depend on the sequence of the updates of different components. These issues are addressed in MOOSE using a clock-based update scheme. Each model component is scheduled on a clock tick (think of multiple hands of a clock ticking at different intervals and the object being updated at each tick of the corresponding hand). The scheduling also guarantees the correct sequencing of operations. For example, your Table objects should always be scheduled after the computations that they are recording, otherwise they will miss the outcome of the latest calculation.
MOOSE has a central clock element (/clock
) to manage
time. Clock has a set of Tick
elements under it that take care of
advancing the state of each element with time as the simulation
progresses. Every element to be included in a simulation must be
assigned a tick. Each tick can have a different ticking interval
) that allows different elements to be updated at different
By default, every object is assigned a clock tick with reasonable default timesteps as soon it is created:
Class type tick dt
Electrical computations: 0-7 50 microseconds
electrical compartments,
V and ligand-gated ion channels,
Calcium conc and Nernst,
stimulus generators and tables,
Table (to plot elec. signals) 8 100 microseconds
Diffusion solver 10 0.01 seconds
Chemical computations: 11-17 0.1 seconds
Pool, Reac, Enz, MMEnz,
Func, Function,
Gsolve, Ksolve,
Stats (to do stats on outputs)
Table2 (to plot chem. signals) 18 1 second
HDF5DataWriter 30 1 second
Postmaster (for parallel 31 0.01 seconds
There are 32 available clock ticks. Numbers 20 to 29 are unassigned so you can use them for whatever purpose you like.
If you want fine control over the scheduling, there are three things you can do.
- Alter the 'tick' field on the object
- Alter the dt associated with a given tick, using the moose.setClock( tick, newdt) command
- Go through a wildcard path of objects reassigning there clock ticks, using moose.useClock( path, newtick, function).
Here we discuss these in more detail.
Altering the 'tick' field
Every object knows which tick and dt it uses:
>>> a = moose.Pool( '/a' )
>>> print a.tick, a.dt
13 0.1
The tick
field on every object can be changed, and the object will
adopt whatever clock dt is used for that tick. The dt
field is
readonly, because changing it would have side-effects on every object
associated with the current tick.
Ticks -1 and -2 are special: They both tell the object that it is disabled (not scheduled for any operations). An object with a tick of -1 will be left alone entirely. A tick of -2 is used in solvers to indicate that should the solver be removed, the object will revert to its default tick.
Altering the dt associated with a given tick
We initialize the ticks and set their dt
values using the
>>> moose.setClock(0, 0.025e-3)
>>> moose.setClock(1, 0.025e-3)
>>> moose.setClock(2, 0.25e-3)
This will initialize tick #0 and tick #1 with dt = 25
μs and tick #2
with dt = 250
μs. Thus all the elements scheduled on ticks #0 and 1
will be updated every 25 μs and those on tick #2 every 250 μs. We use
the faster clocks for the model components where finer timescale is
required for numerical accuracy and the slower clock to sample the
values of Vm
Note that if you alter the dt associated with a given tick, this will affect the update time for all the objects using that clock tick. If you're unsure that you want to do this, use one of the vacant ticks.
Assigning clock ticks to all objects in a wildcard path
To assign tick #2 to the table for recording Vm
, we pass its
whole path to the useClock
>>> moose.useClock(2, '/data/soma_Vm', 'process')
Read this as "use tick # 2 on the element at path /data/soma_Vm
call its process
method at every step". Every class that is supposed
to update its state or take some action during simulation implements a
method. And in most cases that is the method we want the
ticks to call at every time step. A less common method is init
which is implemented in some classes to interleave actions or updates
that must be executed in a specific order [4]. The Compartment
class is one such case where a neuronal compartment has to know the
of its neighboring compartments before it can calculate its
for the next step. This is done with:
>>> moose.useClock(0, soma.path, 'init')
Here we used the path
field instead of writing the path explicitly.
Next we assign tick #1 to process method of everything under /model
>>> moose.useClock(1, '/model/##', 'process')
Here the second argument is an example of wild-card path. The ##
matches everything under the path preceding it at any depth. Thus if we
had some other objects under /model/soma
, process
method of
those would also have been scheduled on tick #1. This is very useful for
complex models where it is tedious to scheduled each element
individually. In this case we could have used /model/#
as well for
the path. This is a single level wild-card which matches only the
children of /model
but does not go farther down in the hierarchy.
Running the simulation¶
Once the model is all set up, we can put the model to its initial state using
>>> moose.reinit()
You may remember that we had changed initVm from -0.06
to -0.07
The reinit call we initialize Vm
to that value. You can verify that
>>> print soma.Vm
Finally, we run the simulation for 300 ms
>>> moose.start(300e-3)
The data will be recorded by the soma_vm
table, which is referenced
by the variable vmtab
. The Table
class provides a numpy array
interface to its content. The field is vector
. So you can easily plot
the membrane potential using the matplotlib
>>> import pylab
>>> t = pylab.linspace(0, 300e-3, len(vmtab.vector))
>>> pylab.plot(t, vmtab.vector)
The first line imports the pylab submodule from matplotlib. This useful
for interactive plotting. The second line creates the time points to
match our simulation time and length of the recorded data. The third
line plots the Vm
and the fourth line makes it visible. Does the
plot match your expectation?
Some more details¶
, melement
and element
MOOSE elements are instances of the class melement
. Compartment
and other MOOSE classes are derived classes of
. All melement
instances are contained in array-like
structures called vec
. Each vec
object has a numerical
field uniquely identifying it. An vec
can have one or
more elements. You can create an array of elements
>>> comp_array = moose.vec('/model/comp', n=3, dtype='Compartment')
This tells MOOSE to create an vec
of 3 Compartment
with path /model/comp
. For vec
objects with multiple
elements, the index in the vec
is part of the element path.
>>> print comp_array.path, type(comp_array)
shows that comp_array
is an instance of vec
class. You can
loop through the elements in an vec
like a Python list
>>> for comp in comp_array:
... print comp.path, type(comp)
/model[0]/comp[0] <type 'moose.Compartment'>
/model[0]/comp[1] <type 'moose.Compartment'>
/model[0]/comp[2] <type 'moose.Compartment'>
Thus elements are instances of class melement
. All elements in an
share the id_
of the vec
which can retrieved by
A frequent use case is that after loading a model from a file one knows
the paths of various model components but does not know the appropriate
class name for them. For this scenario there is a function called
which converts ("casts" in programming jargon) a path or any
moose object to its proper MOOSE class. You can create additional
references to soma
in the example this way
x = moose.element('/model/soma')
Any MOOSE class can be extended in Python. But any additional attributes
added in Python are invisible to MOOSE. So those can be used for
functionalities at the Python level only. You can see
for an example.
The following kinds of Finfo
are accessible in Python
- ``valueFinfo`` : simple values. For each readable
there is adestFinfo
that can be used for reading the value at run time. IfXYZ
is writable then there will also bedestFinfo
to set it:setXYZ
. Example:Compartment.Rm
- ``lookupFinfo`` : lookup tables. These fields act like Python
dictionaries but iteration is not supported. Example:
. - ``srcFinfo`` : source of a message. Example:
. - ``destFinfo`` : destination of a message. Example:
. Apart from being used in setting up messages, these are accessible as functions from Python.HHGate.setupAlpha
is an example. - ``sharedFinfo`` : a composition of source and destination fields.
Moving on¶
Now you know the basics of pymoose and how to access the help
system. You can figure out how to do specific things by looking at the
'cookbook`. In addition, the moose-examples/snippets
in your MOOSE installation has small executable python scripts that
show usage of specific classes or functionalities. Beyond that you can
browse the code in the moose-examples
directory to see some more complex
MOOSE is backward compatible with GENESIS and most GENESIS classes have been reimplemented in MOOSE. There is slight change in naming (MOOSE uses CamelCase), and setting up messages are different. But GENESIS documentation is still a good source for documentation on classes that have been ported from GENESIS.
If the built-in MOOSE classes do not satisfy your needs entirely, you are welcome to add new classes to MOOSE. The API documentation will help you get started.
[1] | To list the classes only, use moose.le('/classes') |
[2] | MOOSE is unit agnostic and things should work fine as long as you use values all converted to a consistent unit system. |
[3] | This apparently convoluted implementation is for performance reason. Can you figure out why? Hint: the table is driven by a slower clock than the compartment. |
[4] | In principle any function available in a MOOSE class can be executed periodically this way as long as that class exposes the function for scheduling following the MOOSE API. So you have to consult the class' documentation for any nonstandard methods that can be scheduled this way. |