Source code for changeFuncExpression

## This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
## Messaging Object Oriented Simulation Environment.
##           Copyright (C) 2013 Upinder S. Bhalla. and NCBS
## It is made available under the terms of the
## GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
## See the file COPYING.LIB for the full notice.

import math
import pylab
import numpy
import moose

useY = False

def makeModel():
    # create container for model
    model = moose.Neutral( 'model' )
    compartment = moose.CubeMesh( '/model/compartment' )
    compartment.volume = 1e-15
    # the mesh is created automatically by the compartment
    mesh = moose.element( '/model/compartment/mesh' ) 

    # create molecules and reactions
    # a <----> b
    # b + 10c ---func---> d
    a = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/a' )
    b = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/b' )
    c = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/c' )
    d = moose.BufPool( '/model/compartment/d' )
    reac = moose.Reac( '/model/compartment/reac' )
    func = moose.Function( '/model/compartment/d/func' )
    func.numVars = 2
    #func.x.num = 2

    # connect them up for reactions

    moose.connect( reac, 'sub', a, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( reac, 'prd', b, 'reac' )
    if useY:
        moose.connect( func, 'requestOut', b, 'getN' )
        moose.connect( func, 'requestOut', c, 'getN' )
        moose.connect( b, 'nOut', func.x[0], 'input' )
        moose.connect( c, 'nOut', func.x[1], 'input' )

    moose.connect( func, 'valueOut', d, 'setN' )
    if useY:
        func.expr = "y0 + 10*y1"
        func.expr = "x0 + 10*x1"

    # connect them up to the compartment for volumes
    #for x in ( a, b, c, cplx1, cplx2 ):
    #                        moose.connect( x, 'mesh', mesh, 'mesh' )

    # Assign parameters
    a.concInit = 1
    b.concInit = 0.5
    c.concInit = 0.1
    reac.Kf = 0.001
    reac.Kb = 0.01

    # Create the output tables
    graphs = moose.Neutral( '/model/graphs' )
    outputA = moose.Table2 ( '/model/graphs/concA' )
    outputB = moose.Table2 ( '/model/graphs/concB' )
    outputC = moose.Table2 ( '/model/graphs/concC' )
    outputD = moose.Table2 ( '/model/graphs/concD' )

    # connect up the tables
    moose.connect( outputA, 'requestOut', a, 'getConc' );
    moose.connect( outputB, 'requestOut', b, 'getConc' );
    moose.connect( outputC, 'requestOut', c, 'getConc' );
    moose.connect( outputD, 'requestOut', d, 'getConc' );

def displayPlots():
    for x in moose.wildcardFind( '/model/graphs/conc#' ):
        t = numpy.arange( 0, x.vector.size, 1 ) #sec
        pylab.plot( t, x.vector, )

[docs]def main(): """ This example illustrates how to set up a kinetic solver and kinetic model using the scripting interface. Normally this would be done using the Shell::doLoadModel command, and normally would be coordinated by the SimManager as the base of the entire model. This example creates a bistable model having two enzymes and a reaction. One of the enzymes is autocatalytic. The model is set up to run using Exponential Euler integration. """ makeModel() ksolve = moose.Ksolve( '/model/compartment/ksolve' ) stoich = moose.Stoich( '/model/compartment/stoich' ) stoich.compartment = moose.element( '/model/compartment' ) stoich.ksolve = ksolve stoich.path = "/model/compartment/##" #solver.method = "rk5" #mesh = moose.element( "/model/compartment/mesh" ) #moose.connect( mesh, "remesh", solver, "remesh" ) ''' moose.setClock( 5, 1.0 ) # clock for the solver moose.useClock( 5, '/model/compartment/ksolve', 'process' ) ''' moose.reinit() moose.start( 100.0 ) # Run the model for 100 seconds. func = moose.element( '/model/compartment/d/func' ) if useY: func.expr = "-y0 + 10*y1" else: func.expr = "-x0 + 10*x1" moose.start( 100.0 ) # Run the model for 100 seconds. #moose.showfields( '/model/compartment/d' ) #moose.showfields( '/model/compartment/d/func' ) print((func.x.value)) print((moose.element( '/model/compartment/b' ).n)) # Iterate through all plots, dump their contents to data.plot. displayPlots() quit()
# Run the 'main' if this script is executed standalone. if __name__ == '__main__': main()