Source code for testRdesigneur

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# __BROKEN__ : This script will not work with Python3. Therefore it has been
# marked as broken script. 
# With python3, it fails to import QtGui module.

import math
import pylab
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import moose
import sys
#sys.path.append( '../util' )
from PyQt4 import QtGui
import rdesigneur as rd
import moogli

RM = 1.0
RA = 1.0
CM = 0.01
runtime = 1.0
diffConst = 1e-12
dendLen = 100e-6
numDendSegments = 50
segLen = dendLen / numDendSegments
spineSpacing = 2.0e-6
spineSpacingDistrib = 1.0e-7
spineSize = 1.0
spineSizeDistrib = 0.2

# Here we define a function that is used to make a cell prototype. Normally
# it would load in a model from a file.
def makeCellProto( name ):
    print(('IN: makeCellProto( ', name, ')'))
    elec = moose.Neuron( '/library/' + name )
    ecompt = []
    for i in range( numDendSegments ):
        ec = rd.buildCompt( elec, 'dend' + str(i), segLen, 2.0e-6, i * segLen, RM, RA, CM )
        ecompt.append( ec )
        if i > 0:
            moose.connect( ecompt[i-1], 'axial', ec, 'raxial' )
   = "soma"
    for i in ecompt:
        i.z0 = i.x0
        i.x0 = 0
        i.z = i.x
        i.x = 0

# This function is used to make the chem prototype.
def makeChemProto( name ):
    chem = moose.Neutral( '/library/' + name )
    for i in ( 'dend', 'spine', 'psd' ):
        print(('making ', i))
        compt = moose.CubeMesh( chem.path + '/' + i )
        compt.volume = 1e-18
        ca = moose.Pool( compt.path + '/Ca' )
        ca.concInit = 0.08e-3
        ca.diffConst = 1e-12

def makeModel():
    spineAngle= 0.0
    spineAngleDistrib = 2*numpy.pi
    moose.Neutral( '/library' )
    # Here we illustrate building the chem proto directly. This is not
    # good practice as it takes the model definition away from the
    # declaration of prototypes.
    makeChemProto( 'cProto' )
    makeCellProto( 'cellProto' )
    rdes = rd.rdesigneur( useGssa = False, \
                combineSegments = False, \
                diffusionLength = 1e-6, \
            cellProto = [['cellProto', 'elec' ]] ,\
            spineProto = [['makeSpineProto()', 'spine' ]] ,\
            chemProto = [['cProto', 'chem' ]] ,\
            spineDistrib = [['spine', '#', 
                str( spineSpacing ), str( spineSpacingDistrib ),
                str( spineSize ), str( spineSizeDistrib ),
                str( spineAngle ), str( spineAngleDistrib ) ]
            chemDistrib = [ \
                [ "chem", "#", "install", "1" ] \
            adaptorList = [ \
                [ 'psd/Ca', 'conc', '.', 'inject', 0, 2e-9 ], \
                ] \
    rdes.buildModel( '/model' )

def addPlot( objpath, field, plot, tick ):
    if moose.exists( objpath ):
        tab = moose.Table( '/graphs/' + plot )
        obj = moose.element( objpath )
        moose.connect( tab, 'requestOut', obj, field )
        tab.tick = tick
        return tab
        print(("failed in addPlot(", objpath, field, plot, tick, ")"))
        return 0

def plotVm( plot, name ):
    wc = moose.wildcardFind( '/model/elec/' + name + '#' )
    Vm = []
    xpos = []
    for i in wc:
        Vm.append( i.Vm )
        xpos.append( i.z0 )
    if len( wc ) > 0:
        plot.plot( xpos, Vm, label = name + 'Vm' )

[docs]def main(): """ This illustrates the use of rdesigneur to build a simple dendrite with spines, and to confirm that the chemical contents of the spines align with the electrical. Just a single molecule Ca is involved. It diffuses and we plot the distribution. It causes 'inject' of the relevant compartment to rise. """ makeModel() # Create the output tables graphs = moose.Neutral( '/graphs' ) #dendVm = addPlot( 'model/elec/dend', 'getVm', 'dendVm', 8 ) addPlot( 'model/chem/dend/Ca[0]', 'getConc', 'dCa0', 18 ) addPlot( 'model/chem/dend/Ca[25]', 'getConc', 'dCa25', 18 ) addPlot( 'model/chem/dend/Ca[49]', 'getConc', 'dCa49', 18 ) addPlot( 'model/chem/spine/Ca[0]', 'getN', 'sCa0', 18 ) addPlot( 'model/chem/spine/Ca[25]', 'getN', 'sCa25', 18 ) addPlot( 'model/chem/spine/Ca[49]', 'getN', 'sCa49', 18 ) addPlot( 'model/chem/psd/Ca[0]', 'getConc', 'pCa0', 18 ) addPlot( 'model/chem/psd/Ca[25]', 'getConc', 'pCa25', 18 ) addPlot( 'model/chem/psd/Ca[49]', 'getConc', 'pCa49', 18 ) d = moose.vec( '/model/chem/dend/Ca' ) s = moose.vec( '/model/chem/spine/Ca' ) p = moose.vec( '/model/chem/psd/Ca' ) s[5].nInit = 1000 s[40].nInit = 5000 moose.reinit() moose.start( runtime ) fig = plt.figure( figsize = (13,10 ) ) p1 = fig.add_subplot( 311 ) plotVm( p1, 'dend' ) plotVm( p1, 'head' ) plotVm( p1, 'psd' ) p1.legend() #time = numpy.arange( 0, dendVm.vector.size, 1 ) * dendVm.dt #p1.plot( time, dendVm.vector, label = 'dendVm' ) p2 = fig.add_subplot( 312 ) p2.plot( d.conc, label = 'idendCa' ) p2.plot( s.conc, label = 'ispineCa' ) p2.plot( p.conc, label = 'ipsdCa' ) p2.legend() ''' p2 = fig.add_subplot( 312 ) for i in moose.wildcardFind( '/graphs/#Ca#' ): time = numpy.arange( 0, i.vector.size, 1 ) * i.dt p2.plot( time, i.vector, label = ) p2.legend() ''' p3 = fig.add_subplot( 313 ) p3.plot( getMidpts('dend'), d.conc, label = 'dendCa' ) #p3.plot( range( 0, len( d ) ), d.conc, label = 'dendCa' ) p3.plot( getMidpts('spine'), s.conc, label = 'spineCa' ) p3.plot( getMidpts('psd'), p.conc, label = 'psdCa' ) p3.legend() app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) #widget = mv.MoogliViewer( '/model' ) morphology = moogli.read_morphology_from_moose( name="", path = '/model/elec' ) widget = moogli.MorphologyViewerWidget( morphology ) return app.exec_() quit()
def getMidpts( compt ): scale = 1.0 midpt = moose.element( '/model/chem/' + compt ).voxelMidpoint xpt = [i*scale for i in midpt[2*len(midpt)/3:] ] #for i in range( 0, len( midpt)/ 3 ): #xpt.append( midpt[i] * 1e6 ) return xpt # Run the 'main' if this script is executed standalone. if __name__ == '__main__': main()