# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# __BROKEN__ . It will break with python3 due to unavailability of QtGui in
# PyQt4.
from __future__ import print_function
import math
import pylab
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import moose
import sys
import rdesigneur as rd
from PyQt4 import QtGui
import moogli
import os
scriptDir = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) )
sys.path.append( os.path.join( scriptDir, '../util' ) )
PI = 3.141592653
ScalingForTesting = 10
RM = 1.0 / ScalingForTesting
RA = 1.0 * ScalingForTesting
CM = 0.01 * ScalingForTesting
runtime = 1.0
diffConst = 1e-12
dendLen = 10e-6
spineSpacing = 1.5e-6
spineSpacingDistrib = 0
spineSize = 1.0
spineSizeDistrib = 0
def makeCellProto( name ):
elec = moose.Neuron( '/library/' + name )
ecompt = []
ec = rd.buildCompt( elec, 'dend', dx = dendLen, dia = 2.0e-6, x = 0, RM = RM, RA = RA, CM = CM )
def makeChemProto( name ):
chem = moose.Neutral( '/library/' + name )
for i in ( ['dend', 1e-18], ['spine', 1e-19], ['psd', 1e-20] ):
print('making ', i)
compt = moose.CubeMesh( chem.path + '/' + i[0] )
compt.volume = i[1]
Ca = moose.Pool( compt.path + '/Ca' )
Ca.concInit = 0.08
Ca.diffConst = 1e-11
def makeSpineProto2( name ):
spine = moose.Neutral( '/library/' + name )
shaft = rd.buildCompt( spine, 'shaft', dz=1e-6, dx = 0, dia=0.2e-6, z=0, RM=RM, RA=RA, CM=CM )
head = rd.buildCompt( spine, 'head', dz=0.5e-6, dx = 0, dia=0.5e-6, z=1e-6, RM=RM, RA=RA, CM=CM )
moose.connect( shaft, 'axial', head, 'raxial' )
def makeModel():
spineAngle= numpy.pi / 2.0
spineAngleDistrib = 0.0
moose.Neutral( '/library' )
makeCellProto( 'cellProto' )
makeChemProto( 'cProto' )
makeSpineProto2( 'spine' )
rdes = rd.rdesigneur(
elecDt = 50e-6,
chemDt = 5e-3,
useGssa = False, \
combineSegments = False, \
stealCellFromLibrary = True, \
diffusionLength = 1e-6, \
cellProto = [['cellProto', 'elec' ]] ,\
spineProto = [['spineProto', 'spine' ]] ,\
chemProto = [['cProto', 'chem' ]] ,\
spineDistrib = [ \
['spine', '#',
str( spineSpacing ), str( spineSpacingDistrib ),
str( spineSize ), str( spineSizeDistrib ),
str( spineAngle ), str( spineAngleDistrib ) ]
], \
chemDistrib = [ \
[ "chem", "#", "install", "1" ] \
adaptorList = [ \
[ 'psd/Ca', 'conc', '.', 'inject', False, 0, 2e-9 ], \
] \
rdes.buildModel( '/model' )
[docs]def p2(x):
Print to 2 sig fig
print(round(x, 1-int(numpy.floor(numpy.log10(x)))), end=' ')
def assertEq( a, b ):
print('.', end=' ')
if not( numpy.fabs( a-b) / (a+b) < 1e-10 ):
print('a!=b:', a, b)
[docs]def main():
This illustrates the use of rdesigneur to build a simple dendrite with
spines, and then to resize them using spine fields. These are the
fields that would be changed dynamically in a simulation with reactions
that affect spine geometry.
elec = moose.element( '/model/elec' )
elec.setSpineAndPsdMesh( moose.element('/model/chem/spine'), moose.element('/model/chem/psd') )
caDend = moose.vec( '/model/chem/dend/Ca' )
caHead = moose.vec( '/model/chem/spine/Ca' )
caPsd = moose.vec( '/model/chem/psd/Ca' )
eHead = moose.wildcardFind( '/model/elec/#head#' )
graphs = moose.Neutral( '/graphs' )
psdTab = moose.Table2( '/graphs/psdTab', len( caPsd ) ).vec
headTab = moose.Table2( '/graphs/headTab', len( caHead ) ).vec
dendTab = moose.Table2( '/graphs/dendTab', len( caDend ) ).vec
eTab = moose.Table( '/graphs/eTab', len( eHead ) ).vec
stimtab = moose.StimulusTable( '/stim' )
stimtab.stopTime = 0.3
stimtab.loopTime = 0.3
stimtab.doLoop = True
stimtab.vector = [ 1.0 + numpy.sin( x ) for x in numpy.arange( 0, 2*PI, PI/1000 ) ]
estimtab = moose.StimulusTable( '/estim' )
estimtab.stopTime = 0.001
estimtab.loopTime = 0.001
estimtab.doLoop = True
estimtab.vector = [ 1e-9*numpy.sin( x ) for x in numpy.arange( 0, 2*PI, PI/1000 ) ]
for i in range( len( caPsd ) ):
moose.connect( psdTab[ i ], 'requestOut', caPsd[i], 'getConc' )
for i in range( len( caHead ) ):
moose.connect( headTab[ i ], 'requestOut', caHead[i], 'getConc' )
for i in range( len( caDend ) ):
moose.connect( dendTab[ i ], 'requestOut', caDend[i], 'getConc' )
for i in range( len( eHead ) ):
moose.connect( eTab[ i ], 'requestOut', eHead[i], 'getVm' )
moose.connect( stimtab, 'output', caDend, 'setConc', 'OneToAll' )
dend = moose.element( '/model/elec/dend' )
moose.connect( estimtab, 'output', dend, 'setInject' )
moose.start( 1 )
head0 = moose.element( '/model/elec/head0' )
shaft1 = moose.element( '/model/elec/shaft1' )
head2 = moose.element( '/model/elec/head2' )
# Here we scale the spine head length while keeping all vols constt.
print("Spine 0: longer head, same vol\nSpine 1: longer shaft")
print("Spine 2: Bigger head, same diffScale\n")
elecParms = [ (i.Rm, i.Cm, i.Ra) for i in ( head0, shaft1, head2) ]
chemParms = [ i.volume for i in ( caHead[0], caPsd[0], caHead[1], caPsd[1], caHead[2], caPsd[2] ) ]
elec.spine[0].headLength *= 4 # 4x length
print( "############## {0} {1} {2}".format( elecParms[0][0], head0.Rm, elec.spine[0].headLength ) )
elec.spine[0].headDiameter *= 0.5 # 1/2 x dia
# Here we scale the shaft length. Vols are not touched.
elec.spine[1].shaftLength *= 2 # 2 x length
#Here we scale the spine head vol while retaining diffScale = xArea/len
# This gives 4x vol.
hdia = elec.spine[2].headDiameter
sdsolve = moose.element( '/model/chem/spine/dsolve' )
elec.spine[2].headLength *= 2 # 2x length
elec.spine[2].headDiameter *= numpy.sqrt(2) # sqrt(2) x dia
hdia = elec.spine[2].headDiameter
print("Checking scaling assertions: ")
assertEq( elecParms[0][0] * 0.5 , head0.Rm )
assertEq( elecParms[0][1] * 2 , head0.Cm )
assertEq( elecParms[0][2] * 16 , head0.Ra )
assertEq( chemParms[0] , caHead[0].volume )
assertEq( chemParms[1] * 0.25 , caPsd[0].volume )
assertEq( elecParms[1][0] * 0.5 , shaft1.Rm )
assertEq( elecParms[1][1] * 2 , shaft1.Cm )
assertEq( elecParms[1][2] * 2 , shaft1.Ra )
assertEq( chemParms[2] , caHead[1].volume )
assertEq( chemParms[3] , caPsd[1].volume )
ratio = 2 * numpy.sqrt( 2 )
assertEq( elecParms[2][0] / ratio , head2.Rm )
assertEq( elecParms[2][1] * ratio , head2.Cm )
assertEq( elecParms[2][2] , head2.Ra )
assertEq( chemParms[4] * 4 , caHead[2].volume )
assertEq( chemParms[5] * 2 , caPsd[2].volume )
print("\nAll assertions cleared")
moose.start( 2 )
for i in range( len( psdTab ) ):
pylab.plot( psdTab[i].vector, label= 'PSD' + str(i) )
for i in range( len( headTab ) ):
pylab.plot( headTab[i].vector, label= 'head' + str(i) )
for i in range( len( dendTab ) ):
pylab.plot( dendTab[i].vector, label= 'dendCa' + str(i) )
for i in range( len( eTab ) ):
pylab.plot( eTab[i].vector, label= 'headVm' + str(i) )
#print i, len( eTab[i].vector ), eTab[i].vector
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
#widget = mv.MoogliViewer( '/model' )
morphology = moogli.read_morphology_from_moose( name="", path = '/model/elec' )
widget = moogli.MorphologyViewerWidget( morphology )
return app.exec_()
# Run the 'main' if this script is executed standalone.
if __name__ == '__main__':