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FastMatrixElim Member List

This is the complete list of members for FastMatrixElim, including all inherited members.

addRow(unsigned int rowNum, const vector< double > &row)SparseMatrix< double >inline
addRow(unsigned int rowNum, const vector< double > &entry, const vector< unsigned int > &colIndexArg)SparseMatrix< double >inline
advance(vector< double > &y, const vector< Triplet< double > > &ops, const vector< double > &diagVal)FastMatrixElimstatic
buildBackwardSub(vector< unsigned int > &diag, vector< Triplet< double > > &bops, vector< double > &diagVal)FastMatrixElim
buildForDiffusion(const vector< unsigned int > &parentVoxel, const vector< double > &volume, const vector< double > &area, const vector< double > &length, double diffConst, double motorConst, double dt)FastMatrixElim
buildForwardElim(vector< unsigned int > &diag, vector< Triplet< double > > &fops)FastMatrixElim
checkSymmetricShape() const FastMatrixElim
clear()SparseMatrix< double >inline
colIndex() constSparseMatrix< double >inline
colIndex_SparseMatrix< double >protected
FastMatrixElim(unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncolumns)FastMatrixElim
FastMatrixElim(const SparseMatrix< double > &orig)FastMatrixElim
get(unsigned int row, unsigned int column) constSparseMatrix< double >inline
getColumn(unsigned int col, vector< double > &entry, vector< unsigned int > &rowIndex) constSparseMatrix< double >inline
getRow(unsigned int row, const double **entry, const unsigned int **colIndex) constSparseMatrix< double >inline
getRow(unsigned int row, vector< double > &e, vector< unsigned int > &c) constSparseMatrix< double >inline
hinesReorder(const vector< unsigned int > &parentVoxel, vector< unsigned int > &lookupOldRowsFromNew)FastMatrixElim
isSymmetric() const FastMatrixElim
makeTestMatrix(const double *test, unsigned int numCompts)FastMatrixElim
matrixEntry() constSparseMatrix< double >inline
N_SparseMatrix< double >protected
nColumns() constSparseMatrix< double >inline
ncolumns_SparseMatrix< double >protected
nEntries() constSparseMatrix< double >inline
nRows() constSparseMatrix< double >inline
nrows_SparseMatrix< double >protected
operator==(const FastMatrixElim &other) const FastMatrixElim
opsReorder(const vector< unsigned int > &lookupOldRowsFromNew, vector< Triplet< double > > &ops, vector< double > &diagVal)FastMatrixElimstatic
pairFill(const vector< unsigned int > &row, const vector< unsigned int > &col, doublevalue)SparseMatrix< double >inline
print() constSparseMatrix< double >inline
printInternal() constSparseMatrix< double >inline
printTriplet(const vector< Triplet< double > > &t)SparseMatrix< double >inline
reorderColumns(const vector< unsigned int > &colMap)SparseMatrix< double >inline
rowStart() constSparseMatrix< double >inline
rowStart_SparseMatrix< double >protected
set(unsigned int row, unsigned int column, doublevalue)SparseMatrix< double >inline
setDiffusionAndTransport(const vector< unsigned int > &parentVoxel, double diffConst, double motorConst, double dt)FastMatrixElim
setSize(unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncolumns)SparseMatrix< double >inline
shuffleRows(const vector< unsigned int > &lookupOldRowFromNew)FastMatrixElim
SparseMatrix()SparseMatrix< double >inline
SparseMatrix(unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncolumns)SparseMatrix< double >inline
transpose()SparseMatrix< double >inline
tripletFill(const vector< unsigned int > &row, const vector< unsigned int > &col, const vector< double > &z, bool retainSize=false)SparseMatrix< double >inline
unset(unsigned int row, unsigned int column)SparseMatrix< double >inline