MOOSE - Multiscale Object Oriented Simulation Environment
This is the complete list of members for GlobalDataElement, including all inherited members.
addMsg(ObjId mid) | Element | |
addMsgAndFunc(ObjId mid, FuncId fid, BindIndex bindIndex) | Element | |
cinfo() const | Element | |
clearAllMsgs() | Element | |
clearBinding(BindIndex b) | Element | |
copyElement(Id newParent, Id newId, unsigned int n, bool toGlobal) const | GlobalDataElement | virtual |
data(unsigned int rawIndex, unsigned int fieldIndex=0) const | DataElement | virtual |
DataElement(Id id, const Cinfo *c, const string &name, unsigned int numData=1) | DataElement | |
DataElement(Id id, const Element *orig, unsigned int n, unsigned int startEntry) | DataElement | |
destroyElementTree(const vector< Id > &tree) | Element | static |
digestMessages() | Element | |
dropAllMsgsFromSrc(Id src) | Element | |
dropMsg(ObjId mid) | Element | |
Element(Id id, const Cinfo *c, const string &name) | Element | |
findBinding(MsgFuncBinding b) const | Element | |
findCaller(FuncId fid) const | Element | |
getFieldsOfOutgoingMsg(ObjId mid, vector< pair< BindIndex, FuncId > > &ret) const | Element | |
getInputMsgs(vector< ObjId > &caller, FuncId fid) const | Element | |
getInputsWithTgtIndex(vector< pair< Id, unsigned int > > &ret, const DestFinfo *finfo) const | Element | |
getMsgAndFunc(BindIndex b) const | Element | |
getMsgSourceAndSender(FuncId fid, vector< ObjId > &src, vector< string > &sender) const | Element | |
getMsgTargetAndFunctions(DataId srcDataId, const SrcFinfo *finfo, vector< ObjId > &tgt, vector< string > &func) const | Element | |
getMsgTargets(DataId srcDataId, const SrcFinfo *finfo) const | Element | |
getName() const | Element | |
getNeighbors(vector< Id > &ret, const Finfo *finfo) const | Element | |
getNode(unsigned int dataIndex) const | GlobalDataElement | virtual |
getNumOnNode(unsigned int node) const | GlobalDataElement | virtual |
getTick() const | Element | |
GlobalDataElement(Id id, const Cinfo *c, const string &name, unsigned int numData=1) | GlobalDataElement | |
GlobalDataElement(Id id, const Element *orig, unsigned int n) | GlobalDataElement | |
hasFields() const | DataElement | inlinevirtual |
hasMsgs(BindIndex b) const | Element | |
id() const | Element | |
innerSetTick(unsigned int tick) | Element | |
isDoomed() const | Element | |
isGlobal() const | GlobalDataElement | inlinevirtual |
localDataStart() const | GlobalDataElement | inlinevirtual |
markAsDoomed() | Element | |
markRewired() | Element | |
msgDigest(unsigned int index) | Element | |
msgIn() const | Element | |
numData() const | GlobalDataElement | virtual |
numField(unsigned int rawIndex) const | DataElement | virtual |
numLocalData() const | DataElement | virtual |
printMsgDigest(unsigned int srcIndex, unsigned int dataIndex) const | Element | |
putOffNodeTargetsInDigest(unsigned int srcNum, vector< vector< bool > > &targetNodes) | Element | |
putTargetsInDigest(unsigned int srcNum, const MsgFuncBinding &mfb, const FuncOrder &fo, vector< vector< bool > > &targetNodes) | Element | |
rawIndex(unsigned int dataId) const | GlobalDataElement | virtual |
replaceCinfo(const Cinfo *newCinfo) | Element | |
resize(unsigned int newNumData) | DataElement | virtual |
resizeField(unsigned int rawIndex, unsigned int newNumField) | DataElement | inlinevirtual |
setName(const string &val) | Element | |
setTick(int t) | Element | |
showFields() const | Element | |
showMsg() const | Element | |
startDataIndex(unsigned int node) const | GlobalDataElement | inlinevirtual |
totNumLocalField() const | DataElement | virtual |
zombieSwap(const Cinfo *newCinfo) | DataElement | virtual |
~DataElement() | DataElement | |
~Element() | Element | virtual |
~GlobalDataElement() | GlobalDataElement |