MOOSE - Multiscale Object Oriented Simulation Environment
This is the complete list of members for Interpol, including all inherited members.
clearVec() | TableBase | |
compareVec(vector< double > other, string op) | TableBase | |
compareXplot(string fname, string plotname, string op) | TableBase | |
data() | TableBase | |
getOutputValue() const | TableBase | |
getPlotDump() const | TableBase | |
getVec() const | TableBase | |
getVecSize() const | TableBase | |
getXmax() const | Interpol | |
getXmin() const | Interpol | |
getY() const | Interpol | |
TableBase::getY(unsigned int index) const | TableBase | |
handleInput(double x) | Interpol | |
initCinfo() | Interpol | static |
Interpol() | Interpol | |
Interpol(double xmin, double xmax) | Interpol | |
interpolate(double x, double xmin, double xmax) const | TableBase | |
linearTransform(double scale, double offset) | TableBase | |
loadCSV(string fname, int startLine, int colNum, char separator) | TableBase | |
loadXplot(string fname, string plotname) | TableBase | |
loadXplotRange(string fname, string plotname, unsigned int start, unsigned int end) | TableBase | |
lookupVec(unsigned int index) | TableBase | |
MAX_DIVS | Interpol | static |
plainPlot(string file) | TableBase | |
process(const Eref &e, ProcPtr p) | Interpol | |
reinit(const Eref &e, ProcPtr p) | Interpol | |
setOutputValue(double val) | TableBase | |
setPlotDump(string v) | TableBase | |
setVec(vector< double > val) | TableBase | |
setVecSize(unsigned int num) | TableBase | |
setXmax(double value) | Interpol | |
setXmin(double value) | Interpol | |
TableBase() | TableBase | |
vec() | TableBase | protected |
x_ | Interpol | protected |
xmax_ | Interpol | protected |
xmin_ | Interpol | protected |
xplot(string file, string plotname) | TableBase | |
y_ | Interpol | protected |