20 Gbar_( 0.0 ), modulation_( 1.0 ),
22 Gk_( 0.0 ), Ik_( 0.0 )
double getVm() const
Utility function to access Vm.
void vSetEk(const Eref &e, double Ek)
double modulation_
Channel modulation. Scales conductance.
double vGetModulation(const Eref &e) const
void vHandleVm(double Vm)
void vSetIk(const Eref &e, double Ic)
static SrcFinfo1< double > * permeability()
double Vm_
Vm_ is input variable from compartment, used for most rates.
double vGetEk(const Eref &e) const
static SrcFinfo1< double > * IkOut()
double vGetIk(const Eref &e) const
void vSetGk(const Eref &e, double Gk)
double getGbar() const
Utility function to acces Gbar.
double vGetGbar(const Eref &e) const
void vSetModulation(const Eref &e, double modulation)
double Gbar_
Channel maximal conductance.
void sendReinitMsgs(const Eref &e, const ProcPtr info)
double Gk_
Channel actual conductance depending on opening of gates.
double getModulation() const
double vGetGk(const Eref &e) const
double Ek_
Reversal potential of channel.
static SrcFinfo2< double, double > * channelOut()
double Ik_
Channel current.
void vSetGbar(const Eref &e, double Gbar)
void sendProcessMsgs(const Eref &e, const ProcPtr info)