47 virtual void sources ( vector< vector< Eref > >& v )
const = 0;
56 virtual void targets( vector< vector< Eref > >& v )
const = 0;
138 FuncId fid,
unsigned int b,
unsigned int n )
const = 0;
145 return (
e1_ == src );
virtual ObjId findOtherEnd(ObjId) const =0
ObjId getAdjacent(ObjId) const
virtual Eref firstTgt(const Eref &src) const =0
vector< string > getDestFieldsOnE2() const
virtual void sources(vector< vector< Eref > > &v) const =0
virtual void targets(vector< vector< Eref > > &v) const =0
bool isForward(const Element *src) const
static bool isLastTrump()
True when MOOSE has been terminated and is being cleaned up.
static bool lastTrump_
Flag to indicate termination of program.
static void deleteMsg(ObjId mid)
static Id msgManagerId_
Element 2 attached to Msg.
virtual ~Msg()
Element * e1_
Index of this Msg on the msg_ vector.
static const Msg * lastMsg()
static unsigned int initMsgManagers()
vector< string > getSrcFieldsOnE1() const
vector< string > getSrcFieldsOnE2() const
static const Msg * getMsg(ObjId m)
virtual Msg * copy(Id origSrc, Id newSrc, Id newTgt, FuncId fid, unsigned int b, unsigned int n) const =0
Element * e2_
Element 1 attached to Msg.
vector< string > getDestFieldsOnE1() const
static const Msg * lastMsg_
Msg(ObjId mid, Element *e1, Element *e2)
static const Cinfo * initCinfo()
static void clearAllMsgs()