23 void setRM(
double v );
25 void setRA(
double v );
27 void setCM(
double v );
29 void setEm(
double v );
48 const Eref& e,
string line )
54 const Eref& e, vector< ObjId > compt )
71 const vector< double >& val,
const vector< string >& line );
73 const vector< ObjId >& elist,
const vector< double >& val,
74 vector< unsigned int >& seglistIndex,
75 vector< unsigned int >& elistIndex,
76 vector< double >& pos,
77 const vector< string >& line )
80 const vector< ObjId >& elist,
const vector< double >& val,
81 const vector< string >& line );
84 const vector< string >& line, vector< ObjId >& elist,
85 vector< double >& val );
88 const string& expn, vector< double >& val )
97 const vector< Id >&
unsigned int index )
99 double lenScale,
double diaScale )
101 double len,
double dia)
103 double len,
double dia)
unsigned int getNumCompartments() const
vector< unsigned int > spineToMeshOrdering_
looks up spine/psd mesh index from FieldIndex of selected spine.
void setPassiveDistribution(const Eref &e, vector< string > v)
void scaleHeadDiffusion(unsigned int spineNum, double len, double dia) const
Scale the diffusion parameters due to a change in the head dimensions.
double compartmentLengthInLambdas_
void setSpineAndPsdDsolve(Id spineDsolve, Id psdDsolve)
void makeSpacingDistrib(const vector< ObjId > &elist, const vector< double > &val, vector< unsigned int > &seglistIndex, vector< unsigned int > &elistIndex, vector< double > &pos, const vector< string > &line) const
vector< double > getPathDistFromSoma() const
vector< string > channelDistribution_
unsigned int getNumBranches() const
vector< string > passiveDistribution_
void installSpines(const vector< ObjId > &elist, const vector< double > &val, const vector< string > &line)
vector< ObjId > getExprElist(const Eref &e, string line) const
void buildElist(const Eref &e, const vector< string > &line, vector< ObjId > &elist, vector< double > &val)
void setSourceFile(string v)
Spine * lookupSpine(unsigned int index)
vector< vector< Id > > allSpinesPerCompt_
Id of each compt in each spine.
void evalExprForElist(const vector< ObjId > &elist, const string &expn, vector< double > &val) const
map< Id, unsigned int > segIndex_
Map to look up Seg index from Id of associated compt.
static const Cinfo * initCinfo()
void parseMechSpec(const Eref &e)
vector< Id > psdStoich_
Id of stoich associated with each PSD. Typically all the same.
Spine spineEntry_
Id of the Dsolve for the PSD compt.
const vector< Id > & spineIds(unsigned int index) const
vector< string > getChannelDistribution(const Eref &e) const
double getCompartmentLengthInLambdas() const
void setSpineAndPsdMesh(Id spineMesh, Id psdMesh)
Fills up vector of segments. First entry is soma.
void scaleShaftDiffusion(unsigned int spineNum, double len, double dia) const
Scale the diffusion parameters due to a change in the shaft dimensions.
vector< ObjId > getSpinesFromExpression(const Eref &e, string line) const
string getSourceFile() const
vector< vector< Id > > spines_
vector< double > getExprVal(const Eref &e, string line) const
vector< string > getSpineDistribution(const Eref &e) const
vector< string > getPassiveDistribution(const Eref &e) const
ObjId getParentCompartmentOfSpine(const Eref &e, ObjId compt) const
void setSpineDistribution(const Eref &e, vector< string > v)
void setChannelDistribution(const Eref &e, vector< string > v)
vector< SwcBranch > branches_
vector< ObjId > getSpineIdsFromCompartmentIds(const Eref &e, vector< ObjId > compt) const
vector< ObjId > getCompartments() const
void setCompartmentLengthInLambdas(double v)
Id psdDsolve_
Id of the Dsolve for the head compt.
vector< unsigned int > spineParentSegIndex_
Look up seg index of parent compartment, from index of spine.
void setNumSpines(unsigned int num)
void buildSegmentTree(const Eref &e)
Fills up vector of segments. First entry is soma.
unsigned int getNumSpines() const
void updateSegmentLengths()
vector< ObjId > getSpinesOnCompartment(const Eref &e, ObjId compt) const
void installMechanism(const string &name, const vector< ObjId > &elist, const vector< double > &val, const vector< string > &line)
vector< Id > spineStoich_
Id of stoich associated with each spine. Typically all the same.
void scaleBufAndRates(unsigned int spineNum, double lenScale, double diaScale) const
vector< SwcSegment > segs_
Id of compartment in each Seg entry, below.
vector< string > spineDistribution_
vector< double > getGeomDistFromSoma() const
vector< double > getElecDistFromSoma() const