57 Id read(
const string& filename,
const string& cellname,
58 Id parent,
const string& solverClass =
"Stoich" );
60 void undump(
const vector< string >& args );
82 unsigned int loadTab(
const vector< string >& args );
90 const vector< string >& args );
101 void addmsg(
const vector< string >& args );
104 const string& src,
const map< string, Id >& m1,
105 const string& srcMsg,
106 const string& dest,
const map< string, Id >& m2,
107 const string& destMsg,
108 bool isBackward = 0 );
109 void call(
const vector< string >& args );
110 void objdump(
const vector< string >& args );
111 void textload(
const vector< string >& args );
165 string pathTail(
const string&
string& head )
258 #endif // READ_KKIT_H
vector< Id > compartments_
Id buildGroup(const vector< string > &args)
unsigned int version_
Default volume for new compartments.
Id buildTable(const vector< string > &args)
void convertReacRatesToConcUnits()
Convert Reac rates, initially in n units.
void undump(const vector< string > &args)
vector< double > tabEntries_
This holds the vector of array entries for loadtab.
double transientTime_
Simulation run time.
double defaultVol_
Use both fast and sim dts.
Id baseId_
Base path into which entire kkit model will go.
void assignEnzCompartments()
double maxtime_
Timestep for updating plots.
unsigned int initdumpVersion_
KKit version.
void readData(const string &line)
double getMaxTime() const
double fastdt_
Base Id onto which entire kkit model will go.
void convertEnzRatesToConcUnits()
Id buildGeometry(const vector< string > &args)
map< string, int > stimMap_
Id buildStim(const vector< string > &args)
map< string, int > tableMap_
bool getMoveOntoCompartment() const
void setupSlaveMsg(const string &src, const string &dest)
string pathTail(const string &path, string &head) const
map< string, Id > chanIds_
void separateVols(Id pool, double vol)
double plotdt_
Timestep for updating control graphics.
map< string, Id > poolIds_
unsigned int loadTab(const vector< string > &args)
void innerRead(ifstream &fin)
map< string, Id > tabIds_
map< string, Id > reacIds_
vector< vector< Id > > volCategories_
List of Ids in each unique volume.
Id findSumTotSrc(const string &src)
unsigned int getVersion() const
void dumpPlots(const string &filename)
void innerAddMsg(const string &src, const map< string, Id > &m1, const string &srcMsg, const string &dest, const map< string, Id > &m2, const string &destMsg, bool isBackward=0)
bool useVariableDt_
Time to run model at fastdt.
map< string, Id > enzIds_
Id lastTab_
This keeps track of the last Table used in loadtab.
map< string, int > groupMap_
vector< pair< Id, Id > > enzCplxMols_
unsigned int numCompartments_
void convertParametersToConcUnits()
map< string, int > poolMap_
void objdump(const vector< string > &args)
void convertMMenzRatesToConcUnits()
map< Id, double > poolVols_
double getDefaultVol() const
void addmsg(const vector< string > &args)
Id buildPlot(const vector< string > &args)
Id buildReac(const vector< string > &args)
void convertPoolAmountToConcUnits()
Convert pool amounts. Initially given in n, but scaling issue.
map< string, Id > stimIds_
bool moveOntoCompartment_
Initdump too has a version.
void textload(const vector< string > &args)
double simdt_
fast numerical timestep from kkit.
map< string, int > chanMap_
ParseMode readInit(const string &line)
Id buildEnz(const vector< string > &args)
Id buildChan(const vector< string > &args)
vector< double > vols_
This keeps track of unique volumes.
map< string, int > reacMap_
Id buildText(const vector< string > &args)
string getBasePath() const
Id buildInfo(Id parent, map< string, int > &m, const vector< string > &args)
Id read(const string &filename, const string &cellname, Id parent, const string &solverClass="Stoich")
Id buildCompartment(const vector< string > &args)
void setMoveOntoCompartment(bool v)
Id buildPool(const vector< string > &args)
map< string, Id > plotIds_
void assignReacCompartments()
void call(const vector< string > &args)
Id buildGraph(const vector< string > &args)
double controldt_
regular numerical timestep from kkit.
void assignMMenzCompartments()
string cleanPath(const string &path) const
map< Id, int > poolFlags_
map< string, Id > mmEnzIds_
map< string, int > enzMap_
void assignPoolCompartments()
static const double EPSILON
void buildSumTotal(const string &src, const string &dest)