32 double x,
double y,
double z,
57 kids_.push_back( kid );
62 const vector< int >&
72 unsigned short type()
const {
101 double pSoma,
double eSoma )
176 const vector< int >& cable );
205 #endif // SWC_SEGMENT_H
void replaceKids(const vector< int > &kids)
static const short BadSegment
unsigned short type() const
unsigned int parent() const
double getPathDistFromSoma() const
const vector< int > & kids() const
double geomLength
Radius at end.
void addChild(unsigned int kid)
unsigned int myIndex() const
void printDiagnostics() const
static const short CUSTOM
void setCumulativeDistance(double len, double L, double pSoma, double eSoma)
double getGeomDistFromSoma() const
double electrotonicDistanceFromSoma_
electrotonic dist from soma, summed along dend.
SwcBranch(int i, const SwcSegment &start, double len, double L, const vector< int > &cable)
static const short AXON_END
double getElecDistFromSoma() const
static const short APICAL_FORK
double distance(const SwcSegment &other) const
double distance(const Vec &other) const
static const short APICAL_END
double pathDistanceFromSoma_
Index of parent. Is ~0 for soma.
double L_
Length of segment.
double length_
Radius of segment.
double radius_
coordinates of end of segment
double r1
Radius at beginning.
short type_
Index of self.
void setGeometricalDistanceFromSoma(const SwcSegment &soma)
double pathLength
Geometrical length of entire branch, summed along all segments.
void setParent(unsigned int pa)
unsigned int parent_
Number of length constants in segment.
static const string typeName[]
static const short APICAL
double geometricalDistanceFromSoma_
geometrical distance from soma.
static const short AXON_FORK